Telika: A new, less hypocritical, Dublin convention, that would allow for the dispatching of migrants in other EU countries than the first one they crossed. Also a new Geneva convention broadening the notion of refugee in a way more suitable to our post cold war world (including also climatic and economic refugees thank you).
A general change of mentality and more criticism towards the neoliberal model that serves as a cultural dogma since the 80s. I would like to see the finance deregulation and the "each man for himself" ideal of organisation slowly vanish from the political world, now that its failure has become blatant. The lack of communist boogeyman should help this, instead of hindering this by lack of counter-model (it never was a model to start with).
I would like to see principles of curiosity and understanding spread throughout common sense and replace the fantasy categories that people love to build and refer to and use for emitting judgements on alterity (islam, roms, homosexuals, whatever). I would like cultural anthropology an obligatory discipline in high school.
I would like to see sexism more and more ridiculed, and feminist values more and more obvious and widespread. I want sexism to become a hilarious thing of the past, only played self-consciously and tongue-in-cheek. By the way, while we're at genders, I wish for homosexuals to be allowed to marry and raise children, and I wish for all those who oppose it to have a very bad year about that and weep a lot.
I would like to see middle-east geopolitical issues debated for what they are. Islamism fought withought islamophobia. Sionism fought without antisemitism. and in Europe, laicity defended without hatred for religions. All these issues that stagnate because of this pollution by prejudices and conspiracy theories.
I would like to see consumers react and fight for their rights instead of getting used to new models and more and more incapable of conceiving alternatives or even perceiving the issue (and yes this goes for steam fans too). I want the likes of google, youtube, etc, to be a bit less in control, and to have to care about decency and quality of service towards their 'captive' customers.
I want facebook and such social networks to be a thing of the past, before becoming as obligatory as email adresses or telephones. I want computers to survive the tablet war. And small tiny smartphones with physical sliding keyboard, like they used to make and suddenly decided to stop to. Failing that, stretch-able screens would be okay.
I want cats to enjoy a nice year for cats.
And I want the return of easy-going light-hearted heroes after this too long trend of badass super-gritty ballsy powerfantasy versions of them.
And I want my uncle to stay alive.
Plus system shock 1, plz.