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Trajhenkhetlive: More classics, the ssi AD&D games, the mechwarriror series. Sure some titles have licensing issues of the beyond but if you shoot for the stars, you still might hit some planets.
I'm on board with this. They're definitely high on my list, as well as the Homeworlds.
The entire dune franchise would be amazing.
Emperor: The Rise of the Middle Kingdom
The Sims: Complete Collection
Any one of the following would make me happy.

* SSI Goldbox Series
* Linux support on GOG
* Amiga games (really anything would make me happy)
LucasArts on GOG.
ne_zavarj: Emperor: The Rise of the Middle Kingdom
The Sims: Complete Collection
Definitely want to see The Sims get it's release on here as well.

Besides that I'd also like to see Grim Fandango and the older Total War games (Shogun, Medieval, Rome, plus all expansions) get the GOG releases they deserve.
Miley Cyrus to retire her non-photogenic tongue.
The invention of a new color.

But if we're talking GOG, then more classics obviously :)
I wish for.. A good work.. A sweet girlfriend.. And live long and prosper!
Phc7006: Why are you so eager to see what doomsday theories give in practice ? /sarc
Darvond: Even though the question was rhetorical, I'll explain. In my case, I have the misfortune of living in a country that believes that the 'Rapture' is coming soon since 18XX. And since Ragnarök is projected for 2014, that would at least be more interesting than having some dude poof other dudes before the earth burns.
Do you perhaps have a source I could read into about Ragnarok being projected for 2014? I've always been interested in both mythology and eschatology.
Darvond: Even though the question was rhetorical, I'll explain. In my case, I have the misfortune of living in a country that believes that the 'Rapture' is coming soon since 18XX. And since Ragnarök is projected for 2014, that would at least be more interesting than having some dude poof other dudes before the earth burns.
MorphysLaw: Do you perhaps have a source I could read into about Ragnarok being projected for 2014? I've always been interested in both mythology and eschatology. Is that adiquite?
Post edited December 31, 2013 by Darvond
For 2014, my biggest expectation is of course The Witcher3!
But I would be thrilled to see Assassin's Creed II be released here DRM-free. The original PC release was such a mess with all that always-online crap... That game clearly deserves a clean release in my opinion...
dr.zli: apocalypse?
fingers crossed