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Anything that needs a constant internet connection that's not a MMO, but so far the only thing like that would be D3 which I bought on 360.

DRM like a code number or disc in tray don't bother me. I guess Steam is DRM but the few games I have there were bought cos of the price being incredibly cheap.
Settlers 7 when it was always online. It is fine now that it has been dropped to normal UPlay, not the best Settlers game, but not bad either.

Other than that... I stopped a couple of times when I noticed Starforce but that is more or less it.
Tons of them. Thankfully, I didn't have to skip them completely, as there are DRM-free copies on thepiratebay ;)
Post edited April 08, 2014 by Licurg
Diablo 3 springs immediately to mind. I completely ignore the Assassin's Creed franchise simply due to Ubisoft's always on-line requirement (I realize some or all of the games have been released from that, but I honestly have no desire to figure it out). There have been a few others, but I can't recall them offhand right now.

More often than not though, I simply wait until the game is on a deep discount sale. I refuse to pay full release-day price for anything shackled to a client, even though I have both Origin and Steam on my machine. There are a long list of those. But I do refuse to buy any single player game that requires always on-line, discount or not.
Any Rockstar game which needs RSN, any Ubisoft game which requires UPlay and always online, any post Warcraft 3 Blizzard game, C&C Collection.
Post edited April 08, 2014 by blotunga
I don't mind basic-level DRM, to be honest. I don't have a problem with registering software, using the Steam client, counting installs, or setting up an account (though that latter is getting close to irritating me). I can even deal with the "phone home" mentality of games which have an on-line component, though I prefer it when they don't.

The always-online thing baffles me. I accept it with Steam because, frankly, I've found Steam to be reliable and fairly quick to respond to Support issues, and because I think achievements are OK and trading cards are downright fun. Basically, I trust them. I might or might not have picked up Diabl0 3 and SimCity - D3 interested me - but Blizzard's wallet-always-on-line approach turned me off (SimCity was less interesting). I bought the older Assassin's Creed games on Steam, figuring I was always online with them anyway, and haven't played them yet so I don't know if it's an issue for me.

I prefer DRM-free, but if it's a make-or-break on a game I like, only the more onerous DRM will realistically stop me from buying.
Very nearly all of them.
I only own two games that have DRM (that is, any kind of internet activation/registration, not regular copy protection), Bioshock and Torchlight 2. I didn't even buy the latter myself, as it was a christmas present.

I've opposed stuff like Steam from the very beginning, no matter how many games I miss out on. (Seriously, I really, really want to play Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, but it won't happen as long as it requires Uplay.)
Almost none I think.

There's been games I delayed buying because of DRM (sometimes for very long), but once they're cheap enough I'll generally have a go. It doesn't stop me from buying them entirely.

The DRM I let push games back the most is the one with 3 or so activations probably (doesn't regen them), then always online (I have solid internet though so i buy them at times), then rest.

DRM alone is almost never the sole reason behind my (non)purchase of a game though.
Post edited April 08, 2014 by Pheace
Not many - Diablo 3 and Sim City come to mind immediately - but everything else is multiplatform these days so that should Steam/Origin/UPlay use be required on PC, I simply fallback to the PS3 or Wii U versions.

I've skipped on Age of Wonders 3 for the time being owing to the retail version requiring Steam, but I'll probably pick that one up on GOG when it sees a very heavy reduction in price.
Diablo 3
Every GTA game since San Andreas

Those are the only ones that immediately spring to mind. There are plenty of other games I probably would have skipped due to DRM, if only I had actually been interested in them.
Might & Magic X
South Park: Stick of Truth
Any game I would want for SP requiring always online (such as Sim City, Diablo 3 and Splinter Cell Conviction)
I was thinking of buying GTA IV when it was on sale a few days ago, but I read that it still has GFWL and that was enough to end any interest I had in buying it (at least on PC).
paulrainer: by drm- i mean ... installation limits, online activation, being forced to create an account and tie the game forever to that one account, being forced to be online whenever you want to play the game etc.
Well, I caved in all notable cases, at least when the games became cheaper after a while, but there's been a few games that I didn't even consider buying due to their DRM until they became dirt cheap - despite being otherwise interested in them, of course.

By now I don't have any more issues with Origin than with Steam but after the big initial outrage I decided to never buy an Origin exclusive like Battlefield 3 or Mass Effect 3 (despite having enjoyed past BF games and especially the original Mass Effect). I only tried BF3 when I got it through the Humble Bundle, wouldn't have bought it otherwise (although I would be willing to buy Origin exclusives after I actually got to try it). I also didn't buy Red Alert 3 for ages due to the DRM, only when it was down to 3 or 4 € on Steam. Oh, and I didn't consider getting BioShock due to the weird issues with the executable not being present on the disc but rather being downloaded during the installation or something. I think the version I ultimately got pretty cheap didn't do that anymore.
A couple of people have mentioned GTA IV. I knew it had DRM but it sounds like really NASTY DRM.