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F4LL0UT: The ultimate overall RPG would clearly be Fallout. Not only do you always wear an overall beneath everything else you might wear, it's one of the most iconic overalls in video game history.
grimwerk: I think you might be confusing overalls with coveralls.
Or am I...


noun: overall; plural noun: overalls; noun: over-all; plural noun: over-alls

a loose-fitting coat or one-piece garment worn, typically over ordinary clothes, for protection against dirt or heavy wear.
"men in grubby blue overalls"
Post edited December 09, 2013 by F4LL0UT
I think I might be confusing overalls with coveralls.
grimwerk: I think I might be confusing overalls with coveralls.
Actually it's me who's confusing it. I thought overall was the British word for coverall. After checking a few pictures and translations I noticed that those are two different kinds of clothing and the one I meant was "coverall".

Edit: As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure that in Germany it's quite common to refer to jumpsuits as overalls, that's where my misconception came from. >.<
Post edited December 09, 2013 by F4LL0UT
No order:

System Shock 2
Wizardry 8
BG 2
AlKim: On the other hand, I spent so much time just trying to get the game behave itself that immersion was an impossibility. If I am presented with objectively undeniable proof that New Vegas is the best overall RPG, I'm going to fucking quit gaming.
Zoltan999: What problems did you have? I had none at all. I did play it on console though, XBox 360.

I've gone through this a few times in different threads, but shortly put, a few minor quests broke and could not be completed. One of them may have been part of a sequence of quests, but I honestly cannot remember and neither do I care any longer. If it was, it put the rest of the questline out of my reach as well, obviously. It turned out that these would become the least of my worries.

There was crashing, freezing, hanging, loading failures and saving failures. These were pretty infrequent at first, but suffice to say that it took me fifteen days to play through the last thirty minutes of the game, which was mostly caused either because I could not access the game at all, could not load my save, or could not save once the game finally allowed me to proceed past the loading screen. Add in a healthy pile of frustration and sliding beyond the point of caring, and there you go.

A friendly NCR trooper shot my dog, which triggered a flag in the game code that told me that the president was dead and that I should probably report this to someone or other. The following time he shot the dog and wounded Cass, and I got the same quest update. I didn't bother talking to him a third time, and the quest proceeded as usual. The moment I took my eyes off the president, though, he died. I don't know if this was supposed to happen, but by that stage I was well beyond caring.

After reporting what had happened, the NCR officer sent me to an adjacent room where the most ridiculous sight waited for me not ten feet from the door: about four NCR soldiers and four Legionnaires occupying the exact same location, with the NCR guys on their knees and pointing their guns 90 degrees upwards, the Legionnaires standing up and pointing their guns right at their feet. There was an identical troupe standing about two feet to the right. Nothing happened for a few very puzzling seconds (I could still move and aim, though), after which the characters models sprung to life and subsequently shot the living shit out of each other from what must be considered even closer than point-blank range. This very thing happened in the following room as well, after only about two days, five crashes, ten failures to load and a single instance of my PC freezing.

Outside, there were three friendly troops that were not NCR. I can't remember the name of the faction, but the guys ran away from the face of danger regardless. I shot the few Legionnaires on the dam, after which the Boomer B-29 arrived and carpet-bombed the dead guys for good measure. Gee, thanks a lot. I feel like those twenty hours I put into recruiting allies made a real difference. Not.

So about a week after that, I finally finished the completely unmodded, fully patched PC version of Fallout: New Vegas. Then I uninstalled it and stashed the piece of shit away in the "Will not play again" folder on Steam.


Yes, I know that playing on the PC means accepting certain things such as compatibility issues. I'm also an Obsidian fan and think of myself as someone who can forgive them for quite a lot. God knows that I have. Even so, New Vegas ran reasonably fine most of the time, certainly equally or less buggy than what I have come to expect from the developer. The worst of it had been piled right at the very end, and you may think that it's okay if only the last thirty minutes of a 43-hour playthough were terrible, but excuse the hell out of me if I happen to remember those painful last moments of the game and very little else. I seem to remember that I liked (not loved, but liked. That's still pretty good) New Vegas, but I honestly cannot remember why; without any hesitation or shadow of doubt, it's one of the ten worst games that I have ever played. The bugfest clusterfuck at the end really was that bad.
For the kicks, Stalker PnP:


For nostalgia long-long-long since past, ShadowGate MUD:
Interesting question and I've seen a few interesting answers, however:

1. Real Life is not the best overall RPG because not everyone like Ironman runs. Also, the customization of your character is long and only affects skills, plus you can't customize your appearance or initial traits. Also, your initial background is already set for you.

2. The games mentioned before are good (Baldur's Gate, Morrowind, etc, however, they are not the best overall).

3. Only Chrono Trigger can be considered the best overall RPG but that's just for consoles.

Now, to answer the OP question:

The best overall RPG (or plainly best RPG ever) as I always said, is Darklands. Storywise, combat wise, moalwise, and any other -wise you can think of is between good and excellent in that game. There is a main plot but you can decide wether or not follow it. You can just finish quests. You can customize your characters and you have to be careful how you customize them. Also, your characters do age, and when they get old, they start losing stats like strength (as in Real Life). Like Morrowing, Oblivion, the more you use your skills, the better you get at them. Unlike most RPGs, there are no magicians, you have your alchemist and well, a priest (instead of cleric) that can pray to saints to enhance your stats or your luck. As an old RPG, there is plenty of text to read from. Wearing heavy armor can protect you, but also makes you slower and clumsier. There are rifles and pistols, and also you fight witches and demons. Depending on how you behave, you can become a Legendary Heroe or a Wanted Criminal (I never went the evil way so I don't know the title).

Of course, the above is only IMHO so I guess in the end, the person who said that it is the one you decide it to be, is the right answer.
-Diablo 2 - Best action RPG
-Planescape: Torment - Best story
-Morrowind+ Various mods - Best open-world experience

That's it .
Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 2 and Planescape I would say are the competition for best isometric RPG
Morrowind is probably the best open world RPG
QC: Subjective. Objective. Indeterminable.

Edit: Weren't you the guy from a month ago that said you were going to kill yourself over losing your brother?
Yes I was and yes he did. It was fucking lame.