nightrunner227: Seriously, I've never seen so many sticks up so many asses in my life. This whole thing is like EA winning "Worst Company" all over again. If I was a Bethesda rep who was sent over to scout GOG as a potential distributor for older games, I'd tell them not to touch this place with a 50 km pole. Grow up and take the loss, or swarm Bethesda with requests to talk to GOG. Don't just rant and rage about the loss of a beloved game. Not only is it pointless, but it's also entirely counter-productive.
RadonGOG: GOG-Community was pretty much the best "bigger-sized" community I´ve ever seen on the web.
Sadly, as you are describing here, this isn´t the current state anymore.
The reason is very simple---community has grown bigger (as the whole site grown bigger) and is less controlled by a forum-elite anymore!
Senceless downrepping and spamming has become more often---but it´s still not terrible, nothing comparable to most sites community!
But of course---the issue exists and there has something be done to fix it.
But what---I ceartainly don´t know!
Unfortunately, a lot of the people complaining are GOG veterans who have been here much longer than I have. It's not that the community has grown and changed. It's that the people who made the place so great to begin with now seem to be losing their minds and going into a rabid frenzy with no thought of how they can actually help the situation. It's sad.
And I know I'm getting downrepped to hell right now, but why should I honestly care what people think about me if they're just going to act like the children over at steam.
The petition thread that was posted is an actual sensible method of approaching the situation. It's too bad people's tendencies are to rage first and think later.
Edit: except tinyE, who has no tendency other than to be his cheerful, humorously enlightening self.