nightrunner227: Seriously, I've never seen so many sticks up so many asses in my life. This whole thing is like EA winning "Worst Company" all over again. If I was a Bethesda rep who was sent over to scout GOG as a potential distributor for older games, I'd tell them not to touch this place with a 50 km pole. Grow up and take the loss, or swarm Bethesda with requests to talk to GOG. Don't just rant and rage about the loss of a beloved game. Not only is it pointless, but it's also entirely counter-productive.
timppu: It is not even half as bad as the Steamtards complaining and spamming the developer/publisher of Darks Souls about the early reports that the PC version was initially going to be a GFWL-only game (not necessarily even sold on Steam service). Or when it was eventually confirmed to come to Steam, but still with additional GFWL, they went ahead with another outcry:
Or any time a Steam game has always-online DRM, or SecuROM with installation caps.
And hey, sometimes those complaints and petitions actually work, e.g Dark Souls did come to Steam, or Ubisoft etc. have removed some of the more obnoxious DRM from their games. If Steamtards can do it, why not GOG users?
Crosmodo has hijacked your gog account, you better make sure you have Steam guard on so he do not hijack your steam account also.