It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

not sure what the idea was with the barely indistinguishable tabs but I'll give the restorer a try.
wolfsrain: Touchs screen devices are considered to be the holy grail. Except, they are not. Especially when it comes to desktop PC's.
jamyskis: Ironically, Firefox on Android used to be dire while the default Android browser and Chrome were the best that the platform had to offer. The default browser on Android is a bit low on features (no surprises there) and Chrome has become extremely bloated and unstable of late. I installed Firefox on my Android tablet recently and was positively surprised how stable and fast it has become.
Nowadays, Chrome is the default, I'm quite sure (since 4.2 I think, not on 4.0).
cmdr_flashheart: It's all the same to me, how do people even notice this stuff.

Also, just found the menu button- I like it.
I didn't see much difference either, I use the new version of FF the same way as I did before. The tabs look different now, meh.

I still like Firefox over at least IE and Opera as it automatically deletes all cookies and other crap whenever I close the browser (that's not the default though, you have to enable that in the options). In both IE and Opera I have to do that manually. I haven't used Chrome much yet, I recall it has some special private mode that doesn't save cookies and stuff, but I'd prefer the browser removes all that crap automatically when you close the browser, no matter in which mode you run it.

Too bad the mobile version of Firefox doesn't have the same function.
Post edited May 04, 2014 by timppu
I seriously don't understand all the hate either. Literally nothing has changed except that you can now organize your own icons. Is that so bad?? You can choose to have 8 or no icons at all. Plus the damn thing is faster!!!!!!!!
People complain about everything nowadays. Lol I remember using IE back when FF didn't even exist and I'll choose FF any time. Great security, great service, easy to navigate on.
I like it. Of course, my Firefox is customised, but then again customisability is one of the big reasons to use Firefox in the first place, so why worry about the defaults? Here are the addons I'm using:

Blue Firefox Theme
Personal Titlebar
Classic Theme Restorer
ff28.png (222 Kb)
ff29.png (216 Kb) - The future of Firefox, for me at least. - Let the Mozilla dumbasses know how much you hate Australis.
Post edited May 04, 2014 by KingofGnG
Eh im not happy with the new look either, however seeing as their options for the old look... Firefox is still better than most popular browser like IE and whatnot.
Do you guys really use Firefox just as it is "out of the box"? One of the best things about FF for me is its customizability and I find it hard to believe that somebody wouldn't take advantage of this. And still, judging by amount of complaints, it seems that many of you have never modified looks and behavior of your browser. Just out of curiosity - why?
InkPanther: Do you guys really use Firefox just as it is "out of the box"? One of the best things about FF for me is its customizability and I find it hard to believe that somebody wouldn't take advantage of this. And still, judging by amount of complaints, it seems that many of you have never modified looks and behavior of your browser. Just out of curiosity - why?
I never have, about the only thing I've ever added to firefox is ad block plus. However I'm completely fine with it, it looks a little sleeker and I'm not seeing any of the horrible mozilla-bankrupting changes others seem to be seeing.
Ye, don't get the complaints about this either. That said, of course, I am an ex-opera user that switched to Firefox / Thunderbird due to what happend with Opera. [I am on Linux; there been no new version of Opera for linux since the switch over to a chromebased engine.] - FF would have to mess up real bad to manage something comparable :).
tinyE: Mine hasn't updated. When should I be expecting this?
ChrisSD: When you least expect it.
No complaints here either. I use Firefox Nightly so saw this earlier and am used to it

It's really not that bad. I am miffed they removed the status bar though
I think one of the reasons some of you don't notice a difference between new and old is that it becomes much more obvious if you have many tabs open.
Fenixp's screens show only a few tabs open. I sit with 100+ tabs open on this group alone with 36 in the visible browser window alone.
The old look had square tabs that make it easy to tell them apart. The new look make them overlap a lot and makes it very hard (to me at least) to tell them apart), they are also much harder to properly hit with the mouse because of the overlap,

I really dislike that updates put in UI changes that are not optional. I have found no option to get my old look back and even when using Classic Theme Restorer I can't get a decent look I like, but at least I have a working browser compared to before.
Give me performance updates and security updates, but let me keep my UI looks. It's fine to work UI, but let it be optional. And I really dislike Firefox trying to emulate Chrome, I use FF for a reason. If I wanted Chrome I would use Chrome instead of a Chrome-wannabe.

But so far Firefox is the only browser I have found where I can handle 2000 tabs *grin*
Liljna: [...]
Fenixp's screens show only a few tabs open. I sit with 100+ tabs open on this group alone with 36 in the visible browser window alone.
Every time I see a comment like that I can't but wonder how anyone can manage so many open tabs at once. Don't you get confused on what it's open or not?

About the new update I'm not thrilled about it, but I can't see where the hate is coming from either. It's not like there wasn't any room for improvement with the previous version.

What I find entirely perplexing though is the version numbering.Old news indeed, but I just don't get it. Just because Google did it, doesn't automatically make it good idea. In a couple of years we'll be seeing "Firefox v153" and that looks damn silly.
Liljna: Fenixp's screens show only a few tabs open. I sit with 100+ tabs open on this group alone with 36 in the visible browser window alone.
To manage that many tabs at once, you need a couple of plugins installed anyway - especially with how FF manages them recently, as in you have to scroll trough them, which was IMO a terrible decision. Ugh.