Now it took some thinking to
invent what to write.
So we have to write about Steam Power. First I was thinking about writing about how Steam machines work. Or how they workED to be more correct. But would someone want to read that? Anyway those Steam-Powered machines do not really WORK anymore now... I mean they COULD work, if one wanted them to, but they do not want to. So they do not work. Yeah.
BUT. I am not supposed to write about steam. I am supposed to write about Steam Power. You know like
GIrl Power only with Steam instead of Girl.
So the question is why do we still return to that evaporated water over and over again and is it a good idea?
Now in general Steam is a very good thing. If you have enough Steam you can have a
. And bath is good, as it keeps you clean. And being clean keeps you healthy, and [url=]powerful, apparently. So yeah Steam Power exists.
Now, if you had COMPRESSED Steam you could have a
mechanism. And that would do work for you, thus you could enjoy your nice bath instead of doing hard work, stay healthy and be powerful. Once again - Steam Power at work.
Obviously to use the power of Steam you need something to pour it through. And that typically is a [url=,_1904).jpg]Valve[/url]. Now here comes a trick. Obviously Steam Valve is necessary and respected by everyone. But who would want Valve Steam? I mean, really, why oh WHY would you sell something and call it Valve Steam. It is just like saying "What you get comes at you hot, damaging, at high speed, dissipates in a matter of seconds, is irrecoverable and takes a TON of work to re-create". Would you want such a thing? I am not so sure.
Now to SteamPunk (here is one
steamy punk, if you ask me). What is it that makes people come back to those BIG SHINY gears, polished copper cogs and steam-exhausting pipes? Is it just nostalgia about the "
good old days"? Is it an attempt to reinvent what we have today? It is hard to say. One thing is for sure - Steampunk looks awesome and it is here to stay with us - in movies, books, videogames and all other forms of art. Besides, Steampunk, is good-looking, fun and just cool (or "hot", if you prefer). People like it. That is the way things are.
I myself am eagerly anticipating a game where I would finally be able to play
someone, who officially has the same profession as me. Looking at that picture one could say - it is Mario on a whole new level. Obviously, Steam is getting more and more powerful (and many people complaing that is true for Valve Steam as well).
Now, as an engineer, I could actually go into different mechanisms, explanations and so forth. But seems like OP wants something more "fun", so I hope he likes this answer more. Also, to fully understand what I have done in this post, please, make sure you click all the links.