Goatbrush: Mm the community choice was Ys 1&2. I really liked Ys Origins so maybe I should grab it, but Oath in Felghana is supposed to be better and that's around the same price. Though, I think Oath is the third in the series so maybe I should play the others first. Hmmmm.
Anyone played them all who can confirm if it's worth playing them in order?
Well the series is more a string of standalone adventures with the some recurring characters and subplots kind of like pulpy adventure stuff.
2 was a direct sequel to 1, Origins is a prequel that has a lot of callbacks and references to 1 and 2 (since it's set entirely in the last dungeon of 1, and nearly all the bosses are reimagined versions of bosses from the first two games), and 4's plot was a sequel to 1/2 before it got retconned with Celceta to stand alone. That's about it for big direct ties. 6 has some elements related to the plot of 3, which were highlighted a bit more when 3 got remade as Oath. And 6/7 has some returning characters from the previous games.
Now as for the games themselves, note that the intent with 1 and 2 stick closer to the original games (with the buttonless "bump" combat system), while Origin and Oath are much more modern and made with Ys 6 engine (and have a normal attack button). There's a lot of unusual and archaic design decisions particularly in 1 (like the pacing, or reaching the insanely low level cap by the halfway point of the game which makes a couple bosses way more difficult than they need to be), though 2's more playable.