RighteousNixon: Thats just it, its not just a machine you plug in and play games on anymore and that goes for the PS4 as well. Wether you like it or not, they are no longer just game machines. Personally, I will never understand why someone would want less features. Does having Netflix in any way impede the console's ability to play games? Does it impeded the game companies ability to create games? Of course not. They are all options and options are always a good thing. I used to be one of the naysayers in regards to bringing TV, movies and such to game consoles, but I openly admit this is one area I was dead wrong on. I used to have devices up the ying yang hooked up to my TV. WDTV's, DVD players, game consoles, etc.. Now I have one device that does everything I want it to do. And in all fairness, this is the direction MS has stated it was going from day 1. Actually Bill gates made this perfectly clear in a Time magazine interview months before the original Xbox even launched. So basically they have had a very singular vision for what the Xbox would become and its pretty amazing how close it really is to being just what they talked about 12-13 years ago.
Oh well, to each their own. If people don't like all the media options, they don't have to use them. If you want it to be nothing more than a game machine, then you can still have exactly that. Again, that's the great thing about options, they are there if you want to use them or you can just ignore them. I will definitely be one of the people using them.

LiquidOxygen80: This is Not quite right, imo. MS is making a huge gamble on a medium that's slowly being killed by things like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc, ie: Live TV. I don't bother watching live TV. I don't know a lot of people in my pretty large circle of friends who watch TV. That being said, the TV features as reviewed by Adam Sessler are nice, but only allow you control of certain aspects of your DVR box, which still requires you to use your remote too. I also think a lot of people are forgetting that things like Netflix aren't unique to Xbox either, they're on the PS4 as well.
Next, the speech controls while cool, can be finicky, leading people to repeat different combinations of the same commands over and over, which damages the "cool" factor of voice recognition/control, imo.
Tbf, the launch lineup on both consoles is pretty weak. I won't comment on that, because early adopters are always either screwed or bored.
This is probably the first time I'm not buying a new console at launch since the PSOne. The XBone doesn't offer me anything I don't already have access to, aside from DR3, which, while disappointing, I can certainly live without.
Personally, I'm gonna give them both a year before I consider throwing money down on ANY console, and if the landscape isn't more promising, it's likely I upgrade my PC and use my 360 for Netflix/Hulu.
Well, we will just agree to disagree then as I don't see it as a gamble at all. In fact, quite the contrary now. Initially it was a bit of a gamble but it has caught on like wildfire and has paid off in spades. More time is spent watching TV and movies through XBox's now than actually spent playing games. Last I saw it was around 45% for gaming and 55% for watching TV and Movies. Add to that the exclusive programming that MS is very serious about producing, all the new channels and apps that will continue to be released, and the ability to run your cable through the system now and....well, I have no doubt that this generation will actually blow last generation away, in regards to the success and popularity of these features. And there are still a TON of people that watch live TV. It may not be as popular as it used to be but that is to be 100% expected now that there are so many other avenues available. While TV numbers are down, it is still a very popular and very successful medium. Its not like MS is putting all of its chips on live TV. Its doing what any smart company would do in its position and that is focusing on all of the different avenues available and ultimately giving people the ability to make those choices themselves. My family watches at least 10-15 hours of live TV every week.
Of course many of these features are on the PS4 as well. Sony isn't stupid. They know full well how popular these features have been this last generation and they know that they are only going to continue to get more and more popular as time goes by. To not implement such features would be a monumental failure on Sony's part and it would cost them dearly in the long run. All that being said, MS has been the key innovator in the console market since the original Xbox first hit store shelves, especially in regards to TV and movies. Given the size of these companies, the amount of cash these companies have available, and the overall success of these companies the last 12-13 years, it makes perfect sense for Sony to sit back and let MS do all the heavy lifting. The features that wind up panning out, Sony adopts at a later date. Here are just a few of the key innovations MS has brought to the console market:
1 - Xbox Live / Online Gaming
2 - Achievements
3 - TV and Movies through a game console
4 - High Definition Graphics
5 - Trail games for all game releases
6 - Digital distribution through an online store
7 - Xbox Live Arcade / Smaller sized games sold via digital distribution.
8 - Gamerscore
9 - A singular entertainment hub
10 - Matchmaking
Its important to note that some of these were available on PC first. I am not suggesting MS invented many of these features, simply that they were the first to bring them into the console market. Each and every one of these was an innovation for the console market and the Xbox One looks to lengthen this list dramatically. Its not even about where the Xbox One is right now. Its about where it will be in 3-4 years. The difference between the 360 at launch and the 360 in years 3-4 was absolutely staggering. I really didn't like the Xbox 360 at launch, but by the 3rd year, I couldn't live without it. I have absolutely ZERO doubt MS will continue to innovate the console space just as it has the last 2 generations and that TV, Movies and sports will play a large role in a lot of that innovation. The days of game consoles are over. From here on out, they are just as much home entertainment hubs/devices as they are gaming machines. Nintendo is the farthest behind in this regard, but they too will eventually adopt many of the key entertainment features.
As for the speech controls, this is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. Its not about where it is right now, its about where it will be in a couple of years. Most people won't even buy next gen consoles for at least another year or two. For a launch product, the voice control is already amazingly accurate, once you actually learn the proper language, and its only going to get better and better as time goes on. I guarantee by the 3rd year, the voice recognition system will be nothing short of amazing. Actually, its already amazing, but its going to continue to get better and better. Thats how innovation works. Again, all ones has to do is look at the 360 at launch and then look at the 360 during the 3rd year. Its like 2 completely different consoles. Thats how fast technology is advancing now. Basically, both the Xbox One and the PS4 will continually get better and better as this generation progresses. So to look at features now, with no though towards how they will advance or improve over the years.....well, it just doesn't make a lot of sense.
As for your opinions of the games, I couldn't disagree more. Imo, Xbox One's launch line up us hands down the strongest launch line up in console history. I have purchased every major console released in the US and the only one I didn't buy at launch was the PS3. Xbox One's line-up is the best I have ever seen at launch. Forza 5 is nothing short of mind blowing. Its the racing game I have waited my entire life for. I expect I will still be playing it when Forza 6 hits the market. I just finished Dead Rising 3's campaign and it was a blast. Easily one of the funnest titles I have played this year. I am about 10 hours into Assassins Creed 4 and imo, its the best AC title to date. While not AAA, I have throughly enjoyed Battlefield 4's multiplayer. Need For Speed Rivals is the best NFS game I have played since Most Wanted. Killer Instinct has been amazing and I honestly thought it was going to suck. Its FAR deeper than I thought it was going to be. Hell, I even loved Ryse. It had a great story, amazing visuals and fun combat. If I were rating it, I would easily give that game a 7.5-8. , Of course, this is all subjective so your entitled to your opinion, but for me, Xbox One's launch line up is easily the best launch line up in console history.
If you don't think the Xbox One or PS4 offers you anything you don't already have then you were right not to buy them. Had I felt that same way, I wouldn't have purchased one either. Of course, I didn't feel that way so not buying one was never even an option for me. I knew I was buying the next iteration of the Xbox at launch before MS even announced it and now that I have sat down and spent a lot of time on it, I am 100% satisfied with my decision. New gaming hardware doesn't come around very often. As a gamer, very few things are as exciting as the launch of new hardware. IMO, life is just way to short to wait. Again, if hardware failure is an issue, one can simply buy an extended warranty. In the end, I think its safe to say that some people can wait and others can't. I am definitely one of the latter.
Think I am gonna go play some Assassins Creed 4!