Still so many classic games I have yet to start. 40+ games bought here this past year. If I consider time spent playing....
1. Civilization IV
2. Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Entire Series)
3. Alpha Centari
4. Sim City IV
5. Crusader Kings II
6. Elder Scrolls III Morrowind
7. Might and Magic VI The Mandate of Heaven
8. LOTR Battle for Middle Earth
9. Fallout II
0. Baldur's Gate
I'm trying to figure out what to play next. Baldur's Gate II, Planescape, System Shock, Deus Ex, Age of Wonders, Europa Universalis IV, Expeditions Conquistador...... There is not enough hours in the day. :(
Almost forgot Heroes of Might and Magic Series. IV is the first one I played. I liked it well enough. Reminded me King's Bounty on the Genesis. I think III is better though. Hoping to pick up King's Bounty during the Christmas sale.
Post edited December 11, 2013 by AndyDivine79