Gersen: Prequel when everybody was waiting for a sequel
I'm happy something is being done with the property. In 70 years, I'll be dead.
Gersen: "player created avatar", no Jade
I'd prefer Jade over a player-created avatar but a player-created avatar over an unlikeable fixed protagonist.
Gersen: (And given that it's 200 years before, very little hope of even a cameo)
I really don't want NPC cameos of my player characters.
Dark Souls has this, and it doesn't hurt the game except for (obviously) DRM. Again, I might not live to see a DRM-free version. Life expectancy in Russia is like 55 years and falling; if it takes 20 years, I'm dead. Assassin's Creed 2 was released in 2009 and when I look back at the intervening years, I shudder at the thought of everything that's happened since. And it's not available DRM-free yet.
Gersen: Procedural generated galaxy (which often means tons of boring filler just there for padding)
Maybe, maybe not. As people have pointed out, Stellaris is procedurally generated and awesome, while Mass Effect: Andromeda is prewritten by a human and shit.