Matewis: I really hope that one is good. There is a a dangerous lack of proper battletech games, and the tactical ones like Mech Commander are the most interesting. At least the original is free these days, but its lengthy campaign is over far too quickly given that there really isn't anything else out there like it, except for its almost-as-good sequel of course.
There really has been a shortage, no, an absence of good mech games for far too long. I think that the main reason for this is that everyone who owns anything almost remotely mech related automatically sues everyone else who tries to release something even vaguely to do with mechs. It's a mutually self-defeating masochistic circle jerk.
I don't think that it was ever a matter of there being a lack of interest in big, stompy mechs blowing seven shades of shit out of each other.
So yes, it's great that finally we're getting a couple of games that seem like they won't be in the firing line of these endless lawsuits. I suppose the mech legal landscape is so pocked with craters that it's now much easier to see a clear path through it.