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90% of games officially supported in Windows 8

A lot of you have been asking recently if we’re going to support Windows 8 officially. Our answer has been, “let’s wait for the release of the OS and we’ll look into it and see.” Well, Windows 8 has been out for a while, and as such we’ve had time to look into it. We have good news, and we bet you’re never gonna guess what it is!

Windows 8 support? Oh. Wow. Yeah. Good guess. How did you--wow. That was a good guess.

So as of today we're adding official Windows 8 support for most of the games in catalog. There are currently 431 titles fixed, tested, and reported to be working properly under Microsoft's new OS. Note that most of these have not had the master builds updated, so you shouldn’t need to redownload the installer or anything. Some of the titles, our build ninjas performed their usual magic on, and they’ll work now in Windows 8--and we’re even adding Windows 7 support to a few. We’ll also be adding more Windows 8 games as time goes by and we’ve got time to apply some fixes to more of the classic games in the catalog.

We’re bringing the best games in history to the new OS, If you’ve got any questions about it, let us know in the comments below.
dovella: Hi Team, any support for Windows RT ?
GOG does x86, not ARM. None of the games will run on Windows RT because they simply are not ported to the hardware, GOG doesn't do porting, and emulating any x86 CPU built in the last 15 years on a current or near-future ARM... no, just, no.
Very nice! I am always happy when GOG adds new OSes to their supported OSes list. It's one of the most important factors differentiating GOG from other distributors.
The Win8 conspiracy theory/bashing is getting kind of silly at this point. Windows 8 is Windows 7 with a an alternative shell and an app store. Both are 100% optional. The app store was even designed to help third party devs sell their software. I don't see how that got turned into a ban on all non-ms products.
clutch22: The Win8 conspiracy theory/bashing is getting kind of silly at this point. Windows 8 is Windows 7 with a an alternative shell and an app store. Both are 100% optional. The app store was even designed to help third party devs sell their software. I don't see how that got turned into a ban on all non-ms products.
Then you haven't been paying attention to anything Microsoft has done in the last 15-20 years, like when they successfully pressured many retailers into not allowing sales of other operating systems, actively sued many smaller computer shops over selling rival products, quite literally turned off quite a few people's OS's which were legitimately purchased from Microsoft as an alleged anti priacy measure, ect.

"Okay. Can you cite your sources?"


"Can you cite that?"


Lather, rinse, repeat. Now I may not like Windows 8 but some people are taking this too far.
That's cool, but what I really want to see is linux support, I know a lot of stuff runs fine in wine, but still. I'm sure it'll happen eventually, since even steam is gonna do it soon
Definitely, support for Linux would be welcome.
dovella: Hi Team, any support for Windows RT ?
Miaghstir: GOG does x86, not ARM. None of the games will run on Windows RT because they simply are not ported to the hardware, GOG doesn't do porting, and emulating any x86 CPU built in the last 15 years on a current or near-future ARM... no, just, no.
But Surface ARM use DirectX 9 and 9.3. Poting is hard ?
Its funny Windows store can barely make a clock app that works right, the metro apps are mostly a novelty, the Microsoft created apps are buggy and non functionally for the most part. I see this dying by Windows 9.
Waiting for Linux support...
Then you haven't been paying attention to anything Microsoft has done in the last 15-20 years, like when they successfully pressured many retailers into not allowing sales of other operating systems, actively sued many smaller computer shops over selling rival products, quite literally turned off quite a few people's OS's which were legitimately purchased from Microsoft as an alleged anti piracy measure, ect.
Got a link to the retailer pressure/lawsuit claims? I know a few smaller shops were sued awhile back for selling/installing pirated copies of windows.

I'm not buying the "MS disabled my os" claim. If the person legitimately purchased the OS (99.9% chance they didn't) then all they need to do is contact MS and get it straightened out. I'm not too sympathetic though. Every time MS blacklists a popular key on TPB, a wave of people claim that their legit os was disabled (XP SP2 was particularly hilarious).
Gotta love OS wars, as soon as I saw the news post I thought to myself "time to read someone get all mad about it!"
Doomjedi: Uh no, not at all. I'm talking about the fact that Microsoft has said outright they're going to *require* any game or other program to run on the OS to first be certified by Microsoft at absurd expense to the developer or rights holder (and multiple recertifications, most likely) and the fact that Steve Ballmer himself, Microsoft's current CEO has stated point blank that if it's not sold through the Windows store and certified, it will not be allowed to run on the OS. That's been seen in Wired, the Huffington Post, there's even video of him reiterating it.

Why does it it make sense to try and provide compatability for an OS intended to force GOG out of business or to have Microsoft act as their intermediary for every sale?
Microsoft wasn't allowed to pre install Windows Media Player, because that was a threat for their competitors. I can't see European Commission let Microsoft to require certificates for every software.
clutch22: The Win8 conspiracy theory/bashing is getting kind of silly at this point. Windows 8 is Windows 7 with a an alternative shell and an app store. Both are 100% optional. The app store was even designed to help third party devs sell their software. I don't see how that got turned into a ban on all non-ms products.
For the average user, the Start Screen isn't optional. You will see it at least once, whenever you start your computer. I spend most of my time in the Desktop, but I still appreciate the new system for (among other things) searching for programs\apps, files, and even control panel settings in a snap. It's a full screen Start Menu. It's pretty handy if you just think of it like that.

Yes, there is a learning curve and, yes, there are a lot of quirks, but there isn't anything fundamentally wrong with Windows 8. It works as an operating system and--I'm speaking specifically about 8 here, not RT--it works with a more than reasonable amount of existing hardware and software.

To date, I've had one problem area with Windows 8, the GFWL overlay in Batman: Arkham Asylum, but I fixed it on my own by uninstalling the GFWL redistributable and installing it fresh. By the time I got around to installing Arkham City, I found the problem was already solved for both games.

Anyway, I think that one thing speaks to Windows 8 more than all the comments from naysayers who probably haven't really sat down to use it, who don't realize that it has a desktop (which has been at least incrementally improved over Windows 7), or who are basing their opinions on people with vested interests, like the word of competitors (Gabe Newell) or developers who (understandably) don't like the more closed environment of Windows RT but bash the whole Windows 8/RT ecosystem:
avatar ...
There are currently 431 titles fixed, tested, and reported to be working properly under Microsoft's new OS. Note that most of these have not had the master builds updated, so you shouldn’t need to redownload the installer or anything.
Emphasis mine, but the most important thing is: thank you,!
Nice to see Windows 8 officially supported. Some might say it's not a big leap from Windows 7, others may say that Linux should have more priority, but it's all progress in the right direction.
