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90% of games officially supported in Windows 8

A lot of you have been asking recently if we’re going to support Windows 8 officially. Our answer has been, “let’s wait for the release of the OS and we’ll look into it and see.” Well, Windows 8 has been out for a while, and as such we’ve had time to look into it. We have good news, and we bet you’re never gonna guess what it is!

Windows 8 support? Oh. Wow. Yeah. Good guess. How did you--wow. That was a good guess.

So as of today we're adding official Windows 8 support for most of the games in catalog. There are currently 431 titles fixed, tested, and reported to be working properly under Microsoft's new OS. Note that most of these have not had the master builds updated, so you shouldn’t need to redownload the installer or anything. Some of the titles, our build ninjas performed their usual magic on, and they’ll work now in Windows 8--and we’re even adding Windows 7 support to a few. We’ll also be adding more Windows 8 games as time goes by and we’ve got time to apply some fixes to more of the classic games in the catalog.

We’re bringing the best games in history to the new OS, If you’ve got any questions about it, let us know in the comments below.
ne_zavarj: off topic

40 million licences of Windows 8 were sold under the first month
40 million more things wrong with the world...
Great news !

What about Haegemonia ? :

Is there any hope to add Windows 8 support in the future ?
Septerra Core seems to crash on launch once it gets to the menu screen (after the intro videos and what-not, where you select begin / load game). I get the following error:

"Septerra Core Fatal Panic
v1.04 Panic
ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) @ 0x00412396
Reading 0x00000000

Septerra Core will exit now."

Have not had a problem with Septerra since you guys patched it so it doesn't skip dialogue. Thanks for your support! I love GoG and really love playing my old games.
avatar 90% of games officially supported in Windows 8

A lot of you have been asking recently if we’re going to support Windows 8 officially. Our answer has been, “let’s wait for the release of the OS and we’ll look into it and see.” Well, Windows 8 has been out for a while, and as such we’ve had time to look into it. We have good news, and we bet you’re never gonna guess what it is!

Windows 8 support? Oh. Wow. Yeah. Good guess. How did you--wow. That was a good guess.

So as of today we're adding official Windows 8 support for most of the games in catalog. There are currently 431 titles fixed, tested, and reported to be working properly under Microsoft's new OS. Note that most of these have not had the master builds updated, so you shouldn’t need to redownload the installer or anything. Some of the titles, our build ninjas performed their usual magic on, and they’ll work now in Windows 8--and we’re even adding Windows 7 support to a few. We’ll also be adding more Windows 8 games as time goes by and we’ve got time to apply some fixes to more of the classic games in the catalog.

We’re bringing the best games in history to the new OS, If you’ve got any questions about it, let us know in the comments below.
Likewise we (as in at least some of the GOGers who want Linux support) do not ask GOG to rewrite the games just because they do not have DirectX in Linux. We want GOG to release those games which already have native Linux versions "as is" as extras.

See several posts here for more info:

No need to support those, and that will be a great start. Although of course full Linux support is our long term wishlist, but providing those will be nice.
Post edited November 28, 2012 by tarangwydion
Thank you very much! Windows 8 is great and I don't see why all people are bashing it... It's Windows 7 with some improvements on the security/performance, new features and a UI for Touch that I don't use at all except to organize my game icons...
Flaose: Why is it that some games that are compatible with Windows 8 aren't compatible with Windows 7 (e.g. Cannon Fodder)? I thought Windows 8 was basically just 7 with a shell on top.
i'd like to know too...

because some days ago , those were stated compatible with win 7 , and now they're no more...

ie : freespace 1 , sanitarium , the longuest journey and some more.

great for those using win 8 ; but for others stayed under windows 7 not really great :/
Post edited November 29, 2012 by DyNaer
I don't plan on getting Windows 8 anytime soon, but it's good to see that it's officially supported here on GOG.
xaemar: Thank you very much! Windows 8 is great and I don't see why all people are bashing it... It's Windows 7 with some improvements on the security/performance, new features and a UI for Touch that I don't use at all except to organize my game icons...
I think (for me) it's the new interface, it's such a radical departure from what I've used to since Windows was first introduced *cough Mac cough* ;)
Post edited November 29, 2012 by oldschool
oldschool: I think (for me) it's the new interface, it's such a radical departure from what I've used to since Windows was first introduced *cough Mac cough* ;)
Theres a new interface? You mean that screen I see maybe 2 minutes a day when I need to pin something new to the taskbar?

Honestly on a desktop you hardly use it you might use it to check your mail or start a windowsRT game most of the time you'll just use desktop icons or pins on your taskbar like you have since 7.
I'm not interested Windows 8. And GOG keeps its 'works with modern systems guarantee' promise.
I'll just say AWESOME! :) now I can update to Windows 8

40 million more things wrong with the world...
you are my brother from another mother
oh my god what is this
Post edited November 29, 2012 by BlaneckW
Nice job!!

I love the new interface. Feels like playing a game xD

Maybe would provide Metro style launchers in future?
BlaneckW: oh my god what is this
Really just a full-screen replacement of the start menu, unless you want to use it for more than that.
TalezShin: Maybe would provide Metro style launchers in future?
No thanks!! :D
xaemar: Thank you very much! Windows 8 is great and I don't see why all people are bashing it... It's Windows 7 with some improvements on the security/performance, new features and a UI for Touch that I don't use at all except to organize my game icons...
Lots don't like it. The UI was designed for mobiles/tablets.Not desktops.
ne_zavarj: off topic

40 million licences of Windows 8 were sold under the first month
ima420r: 40 million more things wrong with the world...
There's enough negativity around Win 8 (and rightly so), its safe to say it wont break records....

Its nice to have support for Win8, but pls remember Gog, the vast majority of PC owners either use WinXP or Windows 7.
Post edited November 30, 2012 by nijuu
Miaghstir: Really just a full-screen replacement of the start menu, unless you want to use it for more than that.
that is a very bad idea