anjohl: A group of friends and I just started 4th edition recently, we are all new to the hobby, and I will sum it up in one statement:
It fucking rocks!
I wish I had found it years ago! I am DM'ing, we are running Shadowfell, and I beefed up the cultist activity and am including a lot of kidnappings, blackmailings, and sacrifices.
Any other D&Ders?
Oh, PS, hail Satan!
Been doing PnP RPGs (mostly D&D, but also some Cthulhu and Shadowrun) for 16 years.
I prefer the augmented 2nd edition (with the optional books), but like some aspects of the 3/3.5 edition (simplified saving throws, extended and streamlined core stats range, thievery abilities and counter-abilities as skills, more flexible and believable of the multiclass scheme) and I dislike the 4th edition.
At this point, I'm considering creating a homemade 2.5 edition (taking what I consider to be the best parts of the 2nd and 3/3.5 editions).
I appreciate how fluid they made the combat in the 4th edition, but I prefer the core game (in particular, the abilities of non-magic classes) to be somewhat believable so that I get to decide just how much magic and superhuman powers to put in there.
Insert too many feats and magic-like abilities into the main rules and every game becomes a Japanese manga.
And don't get me started on how they butchered the mage class and its derivatives.