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I play a lot of the games I have on gog, but finishing is a different story
Shaolin_sKunk: For me it's having the option to play whenever the mood strikes me instead of finding, buying and downloading it.

The ironic thing is that I'm pretty sure the amount of options I have discourages me from sticking to completing any one of them and so most remain unplayed. It's not helped by the fact that these older games require a much higher time-investment because RTFM is almost a requirement and controls and UIs had yet to find their footing.

So a typical day would be like.

"Yeah maybe I'll play M.A.X. today."
Start up tutorial.
"Hmm... I don't really feel like having to learn this much, I'll just play some pinball."
I often do this as well. When I finally do get the ambition to learn how to play a new game, once I'm finished I almost always revert to an old familiar favorite for at least one or two runs simply because I don't want to learn a new control scheme/game mechanic/etc.
grimgroove: ... instead of actually playing what has been bought?
What do you mean by playing? Sorting the shelf? ;-)

Actually I do play all of them, even though it's a bit hard to keep up with all the excellent sales lately. I usually play gifted games first and then turn to the ones I bought, thus my backlog consists mostly of games I got too excited about on sale.
Post edited January 07, 2014 by DeMignon
grimgroove: ... instead of actually playing what has been bought?
DeMignon: What do you mean by playing? Sorting the shelf? ;-)
That's the most frustrating game then...only because my mouse even when the button is pressed, repeats as if you're clicking a bunch of times. Must be a short or something.
I was planning to play some "Battle Isle 3" today, instead I kept checking the forum to see there was a new release today.
So yes I do seem to spend more time doing anything with my games and GOG then playing.

At 364 games purchased since I've joined, the Battle Isle package and "Sword of the stars: The Pit" are the only two games that I've played more than a few hours. Not counting the games I already played in the past.

About the same thing on Steam where I own 40 games and only really played one, Civilization 5.
TBH, the reason I don't play a lot of the games I own is because there's usually one thing wrong with them for me or the other. Several examples are a game being too difficult for me, not knowing where to go in a game's world, or it just not holding my interest. The ones I do play I do enjoy, or I hit a roadblock that stops the flow of enjoyment and I play another game and same thing happens to that one.
That's not so bad, I have 257 (huh already? To this point, I've seriously thought that it's "only" around 130-150) games here on GOG and over 470 on STEAM (even though a lot of them are from Humble Bundle and other bundle offers). And I barely play anything right now, but when I see a good deal for a game in which I'm interested, it's sometimes very hard to resist.
Hope I'll have enough time to play all those games in the future eventually :).
Post edited January 07, 2014 by MichiGen
I suffer from the same disease: buying is addictive and addiction is a disease.

I created a topic last spring about the discrepancy between buying games and actually playing them:

Since, the situation has worsened, I now own twice the amount: 84, have actually played only 12 longer than just the beginning of the game and still got just 3 games - BG, BG II and IWD - finished.
With all these crazy sales and bundles, it's kinda hard not to hoard stuff. Worse if you've been following "the scene" for more than a year.

From my GOG shelf, I've only played Witcher 1 and Heroes 3 for more than 10 hours after purchasing.
From Steam, I've got something like 380 games that I've either not played or played less than 1 hour. I think there are like 5 games I've played more than 10 hours.
Then there are all those random games from random stores and DRM-Free games from bundles that I don't even remember.

I'm thinking I've got like 500~600 games in total that I've either not played or played less than 1 hour, and probably 10 or so games I've played more than 10 hours. Crazy.
tinyE: You can play these!?
Yes you can. But sadly you cannot play it offline, and an always-on internet connection is required. Damn DRM!
I do spend a lot of time reading reviews and seeing games youtube for example but I do play a lot too :P
That happens all the time here, you´re not alone. It´s that for you, me and about 99% of GOG customers.
Games these days are so easy to buy and so cheap that buying vs. playing has become a serious problem.

I had this problem with physical games too, there are quite a few I bought and never played to any extent (BG, for example). Thing is, when I had to go to a store to buy a game, and when it cost $50+ (or even $15), I was less inclined to hoard. Now that I can get a bunch of games for $1 from the comfort of my chair there's very little stopping me from buying them.
tokisto: That happens all the time here, you´re not alone. It´s that for you, me and about 99% of GOG customers.
I didn't buy anything from the summer sale, because I was playing ADOM and I felt like I'd be playing ADOM for a while still. I didn't buy anything from the Insomnia sale, because I was playing some old PS2 games and it looked like there'll be many to play still. In winter sale I bought one pack because I owned some of that and the games were the sort I really hadn't tried out that much.

I'd like to think that most customers are actually like me and don't feel any need to buy tons of stuff they'll never have a use for.

On average I've bought about 1-2 games a month in here (and really none elsewhere) and usually put in about 20-40 hours a game. But I agree that nowadays abandoning a game is easier because getting a "replacement" is so much cheaper. I think the minority finishes all the games they buy and the minority buys a lot of games they'll never play. Most people probably play their games a good while, but it really takes a certain kind of game to hold your interest over the 30-50 hour mark.