XYCat: I'll hijack this thread to ask a question of how do you like the game?
I finally started with it (i had it a long time before the giveaway) and i think the game tries so hard to be tense it's just not scary at all + the story seems nonexistent, at least up to chapter 5, i haven't got past that yet.
Dead Space is not scary at all. It does create a good tense atmosphere, but that is about it. The story is told by video segments and logbooks that you find. There are no real cinematics except for the ending and Issac never says a word.(truthfully other than the very beginning and the ending he is more or less faceless). I think he is meant to be the typical mute character to further immersion.
I enjoyed it just for the gameplay myself. The story is there, but it is a lot of reading and calls from the few npcs in the game. It is serviceable for what it is and was very enjoyable for me.