HypersomniacLive: There was another Daedalic thread where someone quoted them from their Facebook; they said that their total sales numbers don't reflect the number of likes they have or something like that. No idea how "big" they're regarded to be, but it sounds like they themselves think they should be selling better than they do. Apparently, even regional pricing doesn't do the trick for them?
Rincewind81: This is Daedalics typical chitchat...
They also said that thy would go bankrupt if Steam refuses to list their games...
They complained about the bitter low quantity of preorders for Goodbye Deponia before release and celebrated a week after release that they never sold so many games...
Speaking as someone who has seen social marketing attempts flounder repeatedly, "likes" on sites like Facebook will almost never translate into direct sales, whether you're selling food, games, or any other item. Obviously, it SHOULD be easier to sell digital games and market them directly, as it requires virtually little effort on the part of the consumer. People are weird though. They'll like something so they can keep updated "just in case," or just because their "friends did."
Heck, friend/follower counts aren't even a guarantee on anything anymore. How many youtubers have thousands/tens of thousands/hundreds of thousands subscribers, or even a million plus, but struggle to reach commensurate views? RoI on social media is pretty crappy, tbf. Everyone looks at it like a potential gold mine, but very few actually realize that it's no different from any other media source. You're not the only one spamming ads and announcements, so yours had better be GREAT to make people notice it or care. Sure, everyone likes touting viral successes, right? But what's the actual rate of success in comparison to the failures? Oversaturation is a motherhumper.
(How did I get on this tangent anyway?) lol