amok: Blame Daedalic who wants to sell it region restricted.
It has nothing to with the distributor.
edit - but I guess it is steam's fault that it is sold region resticted on other DD sites and physical retail also
Leroux: Sorry, amok, but I think you're overly defensive of Steam here. The comment you took offense from, "a way to profit from Steam's regional pricing scheme", does refer to both Steam and the publisher, it includes a criticism of the publishers (who "profit" from) - if you want to read the sentence as a criticism, that is (it's probably meant that way here, but part of it is also what you read into those words; unless you want to deny there is regional pricing on Steam, IMO the sentence does not warrant such a defensive reaction).
Out of curiosity: Does Steam also support equal pricing for all regions, if the publishers want it? Is there a case of a game that has more or less the same price in dollar and euro (that is, a different figure for each and not 1=1)? Or a game where the price in euro is not much more than you'd have to pay for the game in dollar on e.g. GOG or Humble Store? (Btw, how do GOG and Humble manage to bypass VAT for European customers? That seems to be another problem with international pricing; because at least in Germany VAT is terribly high - not quite 30% but almost 20% on top of the actual price.)
Off course I do not deny that there are regional pricing on Steam, that would be silly. But the difference is that I do not blame steam for games having regional pricing, same as I do not blame steam for DRM, though they offer it. I do not blame steam for Multiplayer, though they offer a framework for it. I do not blame steam for micropatching, though they offer a framework for it. etc.
This issue is completely up to Daedalic. If you want to blame steam for it, that is fine, but that will have no effect, steam is not the root of this problem. Steam offer regional locks and pricing, however it is up to the developers if they want to make use of it. If Deadalic did not want to have the game regional priced, they do not need to do so.