Posted November 15, 2013
Doubt how active I'll be during the weekend (XCOM:EW), so let's answer CSPVG's question now.
Main suspects at this point are SPF, Vitek and CSPVG.
As I said before about SPF, he seems to find a target, try to get a wagon rolling on him, and if it fails move to the next target. It could also be a townie who doesn't focus on just one person, but I'm still keeping an eye on him.
Vitek is also a weird case. He has made some posts that may constitute slips, or they may have been mistakes. I don't revall Vitek making mistakes though. An example of quotes is:
though he did defend it by saying that by town he meant the whole group and not the uninformed majority, though referring to it later he posted
Vitek: I, as the one who made the comment, am obviously not the part of the group who could or should go rampant. I really don't like those two quotes together. Is Vitek claiming that the uninformed majority went rampant, and he is not part of that group? Is he saying that those who went rampart are not uninformed majority, and he is definately not part of that group?
Shall we also add another quote of his?
Vitek: But it would require me to think over my every word to forsee there will be some problems with it and I don't have reason to do that as townie. ;-) I think I have too much wine in front of me, I'll have to go grab a few beers.
Now, as for CSPVG.
We have as a start these quotes of his
CSPVG: Surely, even if the thread was stalled due to DieRuhe's absence, a townie would have tried to keep conversation flowing.
CSPVG: It would be best, I think, if you actually began to participate in the conversation going on around you. You needn't be humourless in your discussion with other players, but it would be beneficial if you at least attempted to discuss your suspicions and thoughts with everyone else. Let's combine them with the following quotes
CSPVG: *Crosses fingers and hopes that Vitek and JMich don't have a three page long argument, like last game*
CSPVG: I'm not entirely sure how I would have liked to leave RVS behind, there was merely something of the artificially engineered about it all. I must admit, at least, that we do now seem to be discussing other things, and that we have therefore left RVS( not very far) behind.
CSPVG: In general: I'm a bit baffled by the fact that we're still talking about Vitek's role-claim. I only brought it up, as I had my grumpy serious pants on that day. It now seems fairly innocuous to me.
CSPVG: I'm still not totally convinced that there's anything here. I feel that you're all( in particular Robbeasy, flubbucket, and Vitek) talking past one another. By which I mean to say that, I think the main problem here is miscommunication.
CSPVG: One thing: Could we agree, for the time being, that discussing Vitek's possible claim/ 'town' related slip has reached a dead-end? I feel as if we're not really getting anything new or useful from it, and as if this has been going on for some time. So, it seems to silly old me that CSPVG wishes to have discussions going on, as long as we don't dally too long on certain subjects. One of those subjects seems to be Vitek...
So, let's add a vote to this discussion.
If my read is correct (which may not be) that would mean that Vitek is also scum, and I would be happy to switch my vote,
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some aliens to kill.
Main suspects at this point are SPF, Vitek and CSPVG.
As I said before about SPF, he seems to find a target, try to get a wagon rolling on him, and if it fails move to the next target. It could also be a townie who doesn't focus on just one person, but I'm still keeping an eye on him.
Vitek is also a weird case. He has made some posts that may constitute slips, or they may have been mistakes. I don't revall Vitek making mistakes though. An example of quotes is:
though he did defend it by saying that by town he meant the whole group and not the uninformed majority, though referring to it later he posted

Shall we also add another quote of his?

Now, as for CSPVG.
We have as a start these quotes of his

So, let's add a vote to this discussion.
If my read is correct (which may not be) that would mean that Vitek is also scum, and I would be happy to switch my vote,
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some aliens to kill.