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Count me in for this one Lou.

I have never played any of the Elder Scrolls games, so I don't have any thoughts on the whole series or the upcoming MMO. Bethesda however... I just can't look at or even play Fallout 3. The real-time, first person view shite was just too much for me. I'm just thankful that Wasteland is coming along.

Funny story, I do recall watching a friend play Morrowind, and I actually laughed when his Acrobatics (iirc) skill went up a point from just jumping around town.
In, thanks kindly.

I've played around with Oblivion a couple of years back (borrowed from a friend on those newfangled shiny disc things) and I spent most of that time trying to get all those mods I downloaded to work together without crashing the game or making weird stuff happen. It was fun.
Unfortunately, that meant I didn't get to do much, you know, actual playing. Ah well. Would love to give it a proper bash sometime. And Morrowind and Skyrim too.
Superman, If you're out there, please help me win this giveaway!
Some 10 years ago I started something and I'd (super-dooper-mega-giga-awesome-huge-gargantuan) LOVE to finish it.
Also, there is much left to do in Oblivion (300 hours) and Skyrim (100 hours).
Count me in, really would like these games!
I can has Oblivion? Thanks and +1 to ya

As for ESO,I was looking foward to it.but I heard it's gonna be a sub based game,not buy to play as Guild Wars 2
I'm in! since I saw the amazing mods people made for those three I want to try them!

Btw Daggefall and Arena are officially free for everyone who want to play it. Here the links to download them:

Regarding the Elder Scrolls series what fascinate me more is the horde of fans. I think it's pretty interesting to see passionate fans of this series and how dedicated they are. I remember someone who actually made a new area mod where people can explore new places and the area was HUGE!

Also the game itself push the concept of free to explore game world forward with its huge tract of lands and areas we can visit. I want to try it starting from Morrowind.
Count me in, and thanks for another great giveaway.

I had an original Morrowind i got with a graphics card but lost the disc since and I've spent lots of time playing it. I remember being excited about Oblivion as well but didn't get a chance to play it since my pc couldn't run it and when I got one that could I was just disappointed it wasn't as good as Morrowind for me. Never tried Skyrim so I can't talk about it just based on things I've heard.

As for ESO, I'm not sure what to think, it can be great or it can just ruin the series for me. But I'm probably not going to be getting it if it's sub based. I didn't want to pay for World of Warcraft even though I'm a big fan of the whole Warcraft series.
I'm in, of course (if it's possible, only for Skyrim, because I already own the other titles...if it's not possibile, I will give away the games I already own in case of winning).

I find that the Elder Scroll saga has some good points and some weak ones...every game lack in story, for example.
The story is bland, there is a LOT of lore, of course, but the main plot is usually boring, even if there are some good ideas on it.
I must play Morrowind, but I fully played Oblivion, and I can confirm this.
There are so many quests and things to do, and this is good.
The game world is huge and full of details, but if there's not a good story the fun is cutted, for me.
I hope that Skyrim is better from this point of view, at least the main trailer for the game is great.
I loved Morrowind, for Oblivion I had mixed feelings, and Skyrim is pretty good.
As for the online - I don't play online, so no love from me there.

I'm in!
Thanks Lou!
I guess it's one key? Then I'm not in as I have Morrowind and Skyrim so it would be waste.

About Elder Scrolls Online... tbh I don't like the idea. I wish they made next single player game.

Oh, and thx for giveaway! ^^
elder scroll?
I never had the tech to play the first three, put i played oblivin and skyrim to death
so i am in for morrowind
oh and happy brithday
edit: i have mixed feeling about mmo, but i don't think i will play the elder scrolls online ever
Post edited October 10, 2013 by ma5terbob
Ooh boy, I love this storm. Thanks Lou!!
Is it one key for the whole thing? I've played Morrowind and enjoyed it very much. Have always meant to go back and play with some mods but hasn't happened yet.

Anyways, I've always enjoyed Bethesda games and I'm sure anyone who enjoys RPG's also feels the same. I've signed up for ES Online beta but haven't heard anything at all and I'm not really following it yet. I might also still be MMO'd out after spending much of my 20's playing them.

Thanks again and good luck everyone :).
Lou, you da man.

Not in. I own 'em all. Let some other lucky bastard lose 1000 hours of his life. Ha! Take that, lucky bastard!

man that is definition of AWESOME! :D In & +1! :D

Although I always loved the elder scrolls games I never bothered with their,up & coming,online brother :P

I loved their leveling skill system,although it was pretty abusable :P
I guess their online counterpart won't feauture that :P
Wow, Lou that is incredibly generous! +1, let the giveaway train roll!