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Count me in for this giveaway

Already own Morrowind on Steam and have already completed Skyrim on console

So count me in for Oblivion, tried it once and got past the first part but, gave up after that. Would like to give it a proper go, thanks :D
Post edited October 10, 2013 by RevolutionSphere
I don't really care much forMMO after playing WOW for couple years. I never had a chance to try arena or daggerfall, from the ones I played i like Skyrim the most, morrowind is close second and oblivion is third. I would really like to play morrowind again with Overhaul plugin.

Not in as I don't use Steam :(

Morrowind is my favorite of the series. I don't like Oblivion, and haven't played enough of Skyrim to decide .
Fantastic giveaway! Thank you very much, Lou!

I am in.
Wow, great titles this week!

I've played Morrowind and Oblivion quite a lot, the latter heavily modded... and it was great. Now at some point I want to try Skyrim. I've even heard that it's supposed to quite playable without mods (somewhat unusual for a Bethesda game).

About the MMO, well, I never got into MMOs, so I don't plan on getting it. I also can't really see how the Elder Scrolls feeling could be transported to a MMO, so expect it to be a "standard" MMO. Of course, it would be nice to be positively surprised. And as long as the development of the MMO does not mean that singleplayer will be neglected (which would be strange, considering the success of Skyrim), they can do whatever they want with it...
Not in, but thanks for your continued generosity, Lou! And what an epic giveaway. I've got them all, but someone is in for a hell of a treat. I was at least a bit excited about the upcoming MMO until I heard it's going to be subscription based. I don't think I'll ever pay monthly for a video game again. But I have been an Elder Scrolls fan since Morrowind was released (and it's still my favorite) and have sunk more hours into those games than I'd ever admit to. :)
I'm in!

I have to ask though: is it all one single Steam code?

I'm very curious for the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online and also signed up for the Beta. I wonder how well it'll work, both mechanically and lore-wise. After all, when everyone's a hero, noone will be.
Post edited October 10, 2013 by MorphysLaw
Terrific !
Count me in and thanks you for your generosity (:
dr.schliemann: Fantastic giveaway! Thank you very much, Lou!
I am in.
In for dr.schliemann.

Great giveaway Lou, thanks a lot.
I've only played Morrowind, but fiddled a long time with mods. It's amazing what people have accomplished by modding. I highly recommend digging into this, not only graphically but also content wise. The whole game world can became enriched and extended in the later parts of the game, which suites it pretty well, because the original end game design felt scarce and rushed compared to the beginning. On the other hand, you'll have to bring loads of time, even with the vanilla version.
O...M...G...O...G! Are you trying to give me a heart attack! Skyrim and the other two, all in one! Count me in!!!

Bethesda created a gem when they invented the Elder Scrolls. Arena was...entertaining when it first came out. then they followed it with Daggerfall. Truly enjoyable. THEN they created Morrowind, the longest lasting RPG to STILL be on every computer I have ever owned since. Morrowind still has dedicated people out there creating newer, better overlays, textures, etc... As for Oblivion, I have not yet had the opportunity to play it or it's follower SKYRIM, but I have heard and seen a lot of really awsome things about and am looking forward to one day being able to play it! (Most Wanted #1)

ESO? Sign me up now!!

Thanks again for a wonderfull giveaway Lou!! +1
Post edited October 10, 2013 by dragonsreach
Count me in, I'm not sure how much longer my cd's for Morrowind GOTY will live with how much I use them, and the issues with the case.

The first game I played was Morrowind. It amazed me so damn much, and I still wait for a new title that can capture that same charm. Who knows, maybe ESO will do that, it does take place in all of the major landmasses as I recall. Still, I haven't time, money or patience for an MMO title, so I'll be missing this once again.

I've already said before mind, in another thread, my reasoning for placing Morrowind higher than Oblivion or Skyrim, so I won't get into it unless someone actively asks. But I would love to see a return to Morrowind one day that also allows all of Vardenfall to be explored.
WOW! Great giveaway, count me in!

The only elder scrolls game I've played is Skyrim, so I can't talk about them much from experience. Skyrim is an absolutely beautiful game though! I have a generally favorable opinion of Bethesda. I liked Fallout 3 (AND New Vegas - am I allowed to like both? :P ). I'm not into MMO's as they just demand too much of my time (and money) but the Elder Scrolls series seems to be a natural fit for one.

Thanks again for the giveaways Lou, and good luck to all.
Amazing gift Lou. Really truly.
Now, that being said, if its separate keys (didn't see a definite answer on this, apologies if I missed it), I'd like to try my luck with Skyrim since i have the other 2. But if its all one key, will pass and let others who've never played these games have a chance on it.

I've bought Morrowind and Oblivion more than once each. Want to say 3 times each in their various packaging as well as digitally. Truly fantastic, immersing, huge games. Had forgotten about the mmo for this but don't think I'll be in the market for it.
dr.schliemann: Fantastic giveaway! Thank you very much, Lou!
I am in.
DeMignon: In for dr.schliemann.
Much appreciated, sir. :-)
Amazing Lou. Please count me in!

I loved Morrowind, a lot! I can't say the same for Oblivion, but still was a nice game. Skyrim is 2 years now is on my wishlist! Thank you for this awesome chance!