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Th@nks Lou! I'm in.
I played a lot of Morrowind, loved it but wasn't able to finish it, was unlucky with some bugs, no internet back then to fix it.
I did finish Oblivion great game also, so many quests to complete and secrets to find. Didn't tried Skyrim, haven't bought it yet.
Great giveaway:)
Count me in. Thanks Lou!
That's one hell of a giveaway! Thanks man!
I'm in!
Thanks for your great generosity Lou and I'm in
Post edited October 10, 2013 by blitsfire
Undoubtedly the biggest and best giveaway I've seen to date on here. I can't help but be totally in on this one.

I've been looking at buying that TES: Anthology, but keep thinking it would probably be cheaper for me locally to just pick up Skyrim: LE seeing as I've played Morrowind and Oblivion (but don't have the GOTY editions for either of them). I tried to get Daggerfall working some time ago, but just couldn't work it out. Apparently some may have some luck with the XL engine.
Lou: I am sorry but Arena and Daggerfall are not on Steam and therefore I am sure will not be included in the Steam Code
Spinorial: No, but they're right here, prepped and ready to play in glorious patched-up DRM-free:
Yes I have played them both this way - I wish they would release Battlespire and Redgaurd as well.
Amazing giveaway Lou, thanks for you generosity! REP+ ^_^

Can I enter for someone else? If I may, I would like to enter for Triock :)

I'm a fan of The Elder Scrolls games and have all of them (currently replaying Skyrim), but the next game, Online, I think I will pass. I'm not a fan of online/multiplayer only games, and so far this one isn't interesting to me.

Thanks again, and cheers! Good luck everyone! ^_^
Lou as always I can only say THANK YOU, you're awesome man, you're here always dropping happiness around and asking nothing back, it's been a while since I entered so I'd like to take a shot at this awesome titles!!

During my childhood I heard about TES games, I never really took my time to do some research about them and see what they were all about, then one good day I decided to check out Oblivion... PAM! Greatest RPG I had played, then a good wave of RPG games came my way, main reason why I love The Witcher ones.

The world was so full of things to do, a really good story, lots of quest, stories to know of, armor, excellent combat mechanics, awesome soundtrack and a whole lot of DLCs! I mean I was like crazy with that game, so when Skyrim came out I insta bought it haha.

Have not played Morrowind, and a lot of folks tell me I should do so without a doubt, so please count me in for this awesome titles Lou!!

Once again thank you, the never ending kindness of user like you all around GOG was one of the main reason why I love so much this site.

Thanks for reading and let the giveaway begin!!
Wow, Lou. I can't imagine what it'd be like to get all 3 games at once. I wish I could have a picture of the winner's expression when they find out they've won :P

I have two of them so am not entering. I'll make a little chain if possible and be in (if allowed) for Azrael360->Triock.

The Elder Scroll games and Fallout games will take too many hours out of my life to contemplate an online game as well!

Thank you for the many weeks of generosity, Lou. The storm is getting fierce!
I'm in.

I've only played Morrowind, so I can't really comment on the series, but I found this nice video about it: TUN: The Elder Scrolls VI - Youtubia
I'd like to enter the giveaway..

I've never played any of the elder scrolls games. I know I'm missing a great rpg series. Thank you for the chance to rectify that.
RedRagan: *snip*
Also the game itself push the concept of free to explore game world forward with its huge tract of lands and areas we can visit. I want to try it starting from Morrowind.
LoL, did anyone else read this and think of the quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail? I'm not saying it's not appropos for Elder Scroll particularly with the large selection of mods that focus on the topic. But +1 for the chuckle RedRagan!

As to the topic of the GA: One think I've always liked about the Elder Scrolls games is that there aren't character classes, well there were in the first couple but they were just preset sets of skills and it was most fun to just make your own character class choosing what skills were important to you. In the latter ones it's more dynamic. Does the Anthology compilation include Battlespire and Redguard also? Never played those though and have played all the others (and have yet to finish one...). For a completionist like myself though it's hard to play these games since there is so much you can do! Either way I'll have to check out the anthology for myself and thanks for the GA Lou! Please count me in for Stooner.

As to ESO, from what I've read on it so far it's in beta currently, and generally well received, but along with being subscription based, the real strong point to the single player games is that you shape the world with your actions and while there can be some minor reflection of that in a MMO setting with reputation or some other similar system, you can't really have whole towns get slaughtered or other major changes that would affect other players, so don't know how well I'd like it. Probably won't be pre-ordering and will wait to hear what others say after playing it before I consider giving it a try.

One thing I do like is all the mods people have made for them, yes some are game breaking, but others make minor frustrations go away or add new content and areas, like in Skyrim there were tons of mods for adding new housing, redesigning housing and so forth, before Bethesda even considered making their Hearthfire DLC which was probably largely inspired by the player mods.
Azrael360: nice post
dudetterinazor: very nice post
wow, thank you dude & dudette. :D
Thanks for your "stormy" generosity, Lou! ;)

I loved Morrowind. I haven't played Oblivion nor Skyrim, however. As for MMOs, I'm not interested (and even if I were, no Internet access at home. :D)

Please, count me in for triock, the Ninja Master. ;)
Post edited October 11, 2013 by Thespian*
Thespian*: Please, count me in for triock, the Ninja Master. ;)
Again? :P
Thanks and have a nice weekend.