Leroux: What is it in a JRPG that you're looking for the most? I mean why exactly JRPG? Do you want anime graphics, simple turn-based combat or linear story?
Well, I've a mess of RPGs of many types, but none that feel like say, Suikoden 3, Chrono Cros, or Lost Odyssey. A good story, memorable characters, turn-based combat with enough depth to make me not GROAN whenever the combat splash screen sucks me in. In that order, I suppose.
Also, I'm the absolute worst gamer when it comes to finishing a game. Since my gaming habits already hold me back, I don't need the game to go flat at the end to deter me even more.
On a side note, when playing Dragon Warrior for the NES, I over-leveled so much that when I fought the end boss, and he changed forms, I killed him in 2 rounds. I was so disappointed. Hey, I just had a break-through, maybe that's why I don't finish games very often.... You guys are so therapeutic.