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BlackDawn: I nominate Sachys ( for Monkey Island™ 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge™. Because it's fate - island, chimps, Sachys :)

RaggieRags: Sachys, I was thinking of entering for you. Which game would you like?
BlackDawn: Too late ;)

If someone were to enter on my behalf that someone could consider Tomb Raider 2013.

Huge thanks to K_1269 for great games.
I'm gonna nominate this guy for being nice enough to nominate Sachys :P

I'm nominating BlackDawn for Tomb Raider 2013 as everyone should check out Lara's awesomeness, and he seems to want to play it :)

And should anyone like to nominate me, I'd like Fable: The Lost Chapters(The only Fable I haven't played and want to)
Post edited December 10, 2013 by Landeril
Schnuff: What no Jack Keane to give away?
Ah, but there is Torchlight...i would give it to Sachys
Finally someone who understands how to make proper use of the "other options" in this giveaway! ...sadly through, it's too late, Sachys is not in the running for any of the prizes anymore...too late to screw him, I'm afraid ;P
Post edited December 10, 2013 by K_1269
I'd like to enter on behalf of Landeril for Fable-The Lost Chapters

Because he asked me sooooooo nicely :)
Post edited December 10, 2013 by Ophelium
Schnuff: What no Jack Keane to give away?
Ah, but there is Torchlight...i would give it to Sachys
K_1269: Finally someone who understands how to make proper use of the "other options" in this giveaway! ...sadly through, it's too late, Sachys is not in the running for any of the prizes anymore,,,too late to screw him, I'm afraid ;P
I'd like to nominate YellowAries for Tomb Raider 2013.

If anyone enters for me, I would love either Walking Dead Season 2, The Wolf Among Us, or Heretic Kingdoms. Thanks for your time.
Edited~ see bellow

hang with me... it dose not seem to want to play ball and upload.

sigh still uploading....

there. it should be here...
Post edited December 10, 2013 by platercake
Sachys: well, thats me out (gladly), BUT, as I'm eliminated, does that mean I can no longer nominate, or I'm just eliminated for a prize?!
Nicely done BTW K_1269 - I seem to remember i fudged this for someone else last year! heheh! ;)
I still downvoted the bastard for DQing you just so he could dump his wishlist.

Curious how nominating disqualified people works, though ;)
Post edited December 10, 2013 by platercake
Sachys: well, thats me out (gladly), BUT, as I'm eliminated, does that mean I can no longer nominate, or I'm just eliminated for a prize?!
Nicely done BTW K_1269 - I seem to remember i fudged this for someone else last year! heheh! ;)
Spinorial: I still downvoted the bastard for DQing you just so he could dump his wishlist.

Curious how nominating disqualified people works, though ;)
I'm really not sure how this works except I'll be leaving my nomination until the last minute so the poor sod don't get DQ'd and has a chance! :)
I would like to nominate:
Mrbix to win Monkey island 2 special edition LeChucks revenge as this is one of the best point and clicks that are available these days and I also really like his avatar!

I would like to win a copy of:

Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse Season Pass
Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
Space Colony HD
Fable - The Lost Chapters
Tzar: The Burden of the Crown
The Walking Dead: Season 2
Tomb Raider 2013

Thank you for this opportunity and thanks for bearing with me and my total existence failure.
First of all happy upcoming birthday to you, K_1269! Thank you for arranging this giveaway as well. :)

I'm not sure if he uses Steam, so I'd like to nominate tfishell to win I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

As many people know tfishell has been a big advocate of helping to bring more classics to GOG and has created a number of very resourceful threads. So, I figure that he might be interested to play what is one of the better "classic" releases on GOG this year, at least in my opinion (as a biased adventure game fan). Hopefully it's not too dark or disturbing for him, but at the very least I think he'd enjoy playing a cult classic that was a popular wish listed game for people on GOG. I think this can scratch tfishell's itch while he waits and hopes for the Humongous Entertainment games to arrive. ;)

Thanks again to K_1269!
Spinorial: I still downvoted the bastard for DQing you just so he could dump his wishlist.

Curious how nominating disqualified people works, though ;)
Please don't downvote people in my giveaway for participating! If something bothers you, blame me ( it's because of my rules afterall).

Nomnating a disqualified person would be a bit of a loophole, assuming the nominee hasn't been entered for before. If enough people were to do this though, the giveaway would be rather boring...


Alright, will be drawing the winners sometime tomorrow, so anybody who has been waiting with their entry should submit it before then ;)
Post edited December 11, 2013 by K_1269
Happy birthday K_1269
First things first, Happy Birthday!!
K_1269: Please don't downvote people in my giveaway for participating! If something bothers you, blame me ( it's because of my rules afterall).
A little late for that, I'm afraid, but there's also a matter of principle involved. Whatever the failings of your system, you're a very generous and good-intentional host, utterly beyond any critique. Moreover, I wouldn't blame someone for merely participating in your giveaway.

The case here is quite different, however: in their haste and negligence, mrbax screwed over another person, plus the person who previously and diligently nominated them. Now, it's one thing to negligently screw yourself over, quite another to sabotage someone else, and worse yet if it was done for personal gain, i.e. posting their wishes. I won't even entertain the possibility that the sabotage was done on purpose, though none of the evidence precludes it.

So, in observing all this, I felt quite justified in issuing a single, inconsequential -1, and then openly stating my displeasure, as is proper. In the scheme of things, this is entirely harmless. Ironically, if I did wish to actually harm their chances, I could do much worse: enter for them, invalidate their entry, and it would all be within the rules of the game. Which then makes me curious: would you allow someone to sabotage another's entry, knowing full well it was done with malice and intent, yet entirely within the rules of the game? That would be a nasty task for a birthday gift, no?

Of course, I won't be doing that (it's worth remembering, though: I could have). No, the choice will be entirely with you: will you follow the rules of your giveaway to the letter and allow a hasty, reckless poster to eliminate a selfless and deserving one, all the while getting his own name in the hat? Or will you bend those rules and not let people's careless avarice sink the chances of their more considerate peers? Remember: it's your giveaway and you, not your rules, have the final say. Good luck, and again, Happy Birthday!
Spinorial: First things first, Happy Birthday!!
Thanks :D

Spinorial: ...good-intentional host...
...not really... ;P

Spinorial: ...done for personal gain, i.e. posting their wishes...
There is no personal gain by making a double entry, as it disquailifies both the nominee and the poster.

Spinorial: I could do much worse: enter for them, invalidate their entry, and it would all be within the rules of the game.
No and no. First off, he already disqualified himself when he made the double entry. Secondly, you already entered for someone.

Spinorial: Which then makes me curious: would you allow someone to sabotage another's entry, knowing full well it was done with malice and intent, yet entirely within the rules of the game? That would be a nasty task for a birthday gift, no?
Yes, I have been well aware of the loopholes the rules provide from the very start, what road people take with their one and only entry though is their own choice. Never said this giveaway was supposed to be pretty ;P ...and before your heart breaks, no, giveaways are not about life or death to me, just about fun and good sport ;)

Spinorial: " Remember: it's your giveaway and you, not your rules, have the final say."
But my rules reflect exactly what I wanted to do here ;P
klaattu: Happy birthday K_1269
Thanks klaattu! :D
Post edited December 12, 2013 by K_1269