Spinorial: First things first, Happy Birthday!!
K_1269: Thanks :D
You're welcome! ;)
Spinorial: ...good-intentional host...
K_1269: ...not really... ;P
Quiet you! If I say you're good-intentional, you're good intentional XD
Spinorial: ...done for personal gain, i.e. posting their wishes...
K_1269: There is no personal gain by making a double entry, as it disquailifies both the nominee and the poster.
Intent and result might differ. If you were to assume that he intended to disqualify himself, you must also assume he intended to disqualify Sachys :/
Spinorial: I could do much worse: enter for them, invalidate their entry, and it would all be within the rules of the game.
K_1269: No and no. First off, he already disqualified himself when he made the double entry. Secondly, you already entered for someone.
Glad you compensated for that loophole. Alas, I'm afraid my post was never intended, or qualified, as an entry, merely a mimic of one, an example for others maybe (unedited it never contained the nominee's name).
Spinorial: Which then makes me curious: would you allow someone to sabotage another's entry, knowing full well it was done with malice and intent, yet entirely within the rules of the game? That would be a nasty task for a birthday gift, no?
K_1269: Yes, I have been well aware of the loopholes the rules provide from the very start, what road people take with their one and only entry though is their own choice. Never said this giveaway was supposed to be pretty ;P ...and before your heart breaks, no, giveaways are not about life or death to me, just about fun and good sport ;)
You'll regret this next time :P
Spinorial: " Remember: it's your giveaway and you, not your rules, have the final say."
K_1269: But my rules reflect exactly what I wanted to do here ;P
You monster! Hope you enjoyed the chaotic misery you've inflicted upon us all. Even the GOGbears are crying because of you XP
Thespian*: EDIT: Beware, K_1269 has fallen prey to the devil because of his current 666 rep! I hadn't noticed ;)
All that said, once again, thanks for the awesome, if slightly sadistic, giveaway, and heartfelt congratulations to the lucky and generally deserving winners ;)