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AFnord: Quest for Glory. I've not tried all of them, but the first one, ugh. I don't like King's Quest, Space Quest or the Larry series, and this game still have the main issues from those games. Thus I did not like it.
If you don't like Sierra adventure games, then that can indeed be a problem. But the Glory series is a point-and-click/RPG hybrid, so I do recommend that you try the other ones. Actually, there is ONE in particular that deserves to be given a chance: Quest for Glory 4. You will miss out somewhat by not playing the previous ones first (since Quest for Glory 1 through 5 is one complete story of your hero in various lands), but Glory 4 can be played as a standalone (and so can the other ones, actually, with the possible exception of QfG 5). It has a great artistic direction, superb voice acting (especially John Rhys Davies as the narrator), a delightfully sinister atmosphere filled with black humour, and a great soundtrack (not to mention vastly superior graphics).
I understand that you would be reluctant to try it, but perhaps if you would watch a couple of Let's Play videos, that may entice you to give it a chance? :)
I'm surprised that no one yet has mentioned Simon the Sorcerer 3D.
I loved the first two (and have them on GOG as well), but the 3rd was almost literally painful to play, especially considering how apparently the developers started the idea out as a 2D game, but were forced to use 3D to make it.
It is all the more frustrating because I can almost see the bones of a good game underneath.

I remember reading about some group that was "demaking" (not sure if that is a suitable use of the word here, considering anything they do with the graphics would be an improvement) it into 2D, but there hasn't been any news on that front in a couple years.
Darkstone for me-- based on the reviews I expected it to be action-packed and addictive, but instead I found it drab, clunky and uninvolving. And ugly as well!

I've definitely purchased plenty of GOG games that I've barely played. Some I'll probably go back to someday, some I probably won't. But I've never had buyer's remorse about a GOG purchase because even if I don't like the game I feel like the money went to a good cause.
Post edited December 23, 2013 by Avles
Hmm... I would say that... none. You did ask about disappointing purchase, didn't you? I didn't have any major problems with running any of my games (233 and counting;). Sure, there are some games that disappointed me but I don't regret buying them. At all.
Ghorpm: Hmm... I would say that... none. You did ask about disappointing purchase, didn't you? I didn't have any major problems with running any of my games (233 and counting;). Sure, there are some games that disappointed me but I don't regret buying them. At all.
<rolling his eyes>
Ghorpm: Hmm... I would say that... none. You did ask about disappointing purchase, didn't you? I didn't have any major problems with running any of my games (233 and counting;). Sure, there are some games that disappointed me but I don't regret buying them. At all.
zeffyr: <rolling his eyes>
What? :D It was a reasonable assumption, some people here did complain about not being able to run a game, not the game itself ;P

But if you want some game then I would say Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption. I complained about it several times so I'll redirect you... for example here. It seems to be the most elaborate post about VtMR :D
ShadowWulfe: AYUP. ATI also doesn't seem to like Aarklash or Sang-froid. I have no idea what it is with this card and getting pissed off at everything.
Yeah, their drivers lately have been screwing up a number of games. Hope it gets fixed sooner rather then later :\
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

The reviews were very good mostly so I bought it during the Insomnia promo. The story looked promising and the game had a nice atmosphere going on, with smooth character control, but the camera is terrible – when fighting two enemies at the same time, the other one is always somewhere off screen. Plus, the camera controls are very disorienting. I progressed not too far from the beginning, came to a room with a jumping puzzle, then had to quit the game and do something else. When I fired up the game the next day, I discovered I had to run through the entire level (from the "fast travel portal") with the enemies respawned. And, the straw that broke the camel's back, the game randomly crashed to desktop on me once, foreshadowing future frustrations with crashes and the lack of proper save-game feature. I'm not playing this game again. At least I didn't spend too much money on it.
Deadly Premonition : Directors Cut

I really like the game and i wish this port wasn't so butchered, the game crashed every 10 - 15 minutes and originally the framerate was horrible and it was quickly fix and i should thank Durante for making that lovely fix.

I couldn't do any of the side missions either and i wish i could get my money back or get the Wing Commander pack to replace this purchase.
Every one that costs me money.

In all fairness, they've never asked me for dinner and drinks, so I guess we're even.
Probably Enclave.

I expected to get some fun out of it, but I was wrong. Turgid combat, shoddy collision detection and braindead AI all teamed up to create a world of snore.
ReynardFox: Probably Enclave.

I expected to get some fun out of it, but I was wrong. Turgid combat, shoddy collision detection and braindead AI all teamed up to create a world of snore.
I like your Signature! :D
Soccorro: I like your Signature! :D
Cheers, i like your avatar too! ;3
Rogue Legacy, and the Blob platformer : both are brutally anti-keyboard, and I won't buy a gamepad, so byebye.

Strike Suit zero : it's made for 9/5 screens, and is hopelessly distorted on my 4/3 scree, byebye.

Creatures : love the concept, but I can't get a 'feel' of its logic, in practice. Too bad.

Smugglers V : good first contact, badly clumsly unfinished game it turns out. Betrayed promise. Not worth the buy.
Terpor: Deadly Premonition : Directors Cut... crashed every 10 - 15 minutes ...i wish i could get my money back or get the Wing Commander pack to replace this purchase.
Have you tried contacting GOG support? They do have that new 30 day money back guarantee.