AFnord: Quest for Glory. I've not tried all of them, but the first one, ugh. I don't like King's Quest, Space Quest or the Larry series, and this game still have the main issues from those games. Thus I did not like it.
If you don't like Sierra adventure games, then that can indeed be a problem. But the Glory series is a point-and-click/RPG hybrid, so I do recommend that you try the other ones. Actually, there is ONE in particular that deserves to be given a chance: Quest for Glory 4. You will miss out somewhat by not playing the previous ones first (since Quest for Glory 1 through 5 is one complete story of your hero in various lands), but Glory 4 can be played as a standalone (and so can the other ones, actually, with the possible exception of QfG 5). It has a great artistic direction, superb voice acting (especially John Rhys Davies as the narrator), a delightfully sinister atmosphere filled with black humour, and a great soundtrack (not to mention vastly superior graphics).
I understand that you would be reluctant to try it, but perhaps if you would watch a couple of Let's Play videos, that may entice you to give it a chance? :)