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I don´t really regret any purchase here, but NeverwinterNights I would be a game I wouldn´t even finish if I got unlimited lifetime, endurance and happyness:
I just don´t like this cold athmosphere how this game looks and gameplay is mehhr if you compare it to older games (Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment) or newer ones (Dragon Age, Drakensang) of it´s genre!
Charon121: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

The reviews were very good mostly so I bought it during the Insomnia promo. The story looked promising and the game had a nice atmosphere going on, with smooth character control, but the camera is terrible – when fighting two enemies at the same time, the other one is always somewhere off screen. Plus, the camera controls are very disorienting. I progressed not too far from the beginning, came to a room with a jumping puzzle, then had to quit the game and do something else. When I fired up the game the next day, I discovered I had to run through the entire level (from the "fast travel portal") with the enemies respawned. And, the straw that broke the camel's back, the game randomly crashed to desktop on me once, foreshadowing future frustrations with crashes and the lack of proper save-game feature. I'm not playing this game again. At least I didn't spend too much money on it.
That's a bit sad for me to hear. I played the Playstation version back in the day and really enjoyed it, one of the best in the franchise. It definitely isn't like some mobile game where you can play it for 10 minutes at a time. You really need to set some time aside to finish up an area before you quit.
Things like the camera or the crashing might be indicative of a poor port, but I haven't played the PC version yet, so I don't know.
I remember it well,

'twas Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition that got me.

Not that it was the game itself that brought about the disappointment, mind you,

'twas the fact that I bought the game at full price,

and less than a week later it went on sale... :/
GhostwriterDoF: I remember it well,

'twas Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition that got me.

Not that it was the game itself that brought about the disappointment, mind you,

'twas the fact that I bought the game at full price,

and less than a week later it went on sale... :/
I know that feeling... bought ROTT for about 20,00$ a couple of days later 7,00$. I cried like a girl.
I could count 24 games that would not be missed in my shelf. Though not all of those were directly bought, because some came with bundles I got because of one or two games.
Pica-Ludica: I understand why you lost interest in that one, but don't give up on the series. Or at least give Quest for Glory 4 a whirl. It's the best of the Glory games by far (see my earlier propaganda post on the subject :P)
Thats a good idea, if I can't get back into QFG3, might as well skip it and start 4. I was trying to do the whole series in order, but it sounds like I won't miss much starting 4 without finishing 3.
Beyond Good and Evil. Stupid, cutesy characters and consolish gameplay. I didn't last more than 40 minutes.
fronzelneekburm: "Defcon" seems decent enough, but you can't play it properly (not even in single player mode) unless you enter the serial key, which in my mind constitutes DRM. Wouldn't have bought it if I had known! This thing shouldn't be sold on GOG, as far as I'm concerned.
Towards the bottom of Defcon's game card states:
Multiplayer notice: In order to access the multiplayer you must first enter your unique cd-key that can be found under My Account. For more information please follow this link.

Page 4 of the Decon Manual states:
Defcon is protected against piracy through an authentication key that is checked against our game matching server.

The key is needed for multiplayer (which seems to be the default mode in Defcon, thus requires activation), and is not the only game in GOG's catalog that requires a key. And like those other games, GOG provides a key.

On that note I never had a problem playing the game off line against my CPU. If it had limited activations, then I would have a problem, and I would suspect GOG wouldn't carry the game.

It is DRM, but no worse than a one-time CD activation (which it is, basically).
Post edited December 26, 2013 by 1322
I meant to mention a third title in addition to the previous two I talked about (Divine Divinity and Shadow Man), but I fear the backlash, so I've been avoiding it. Still, that game is annoying me so much, I can no longer stay quiet about it. Even though I didn't buy it here on GOG, it's available on their catalogue. To be honest, I also have been avoiding complaining too much, because I won it via a giveaway, on Steam, adding to my 3 Steam games -- all won in giveaways, since I avoid endorsing Steam as much as possible. The game I'm talking about is Dust: An Elysian Tail. Yes, my friends, that "amazing indie gem" failed to charm me and resonate with me.

I understand it has superb gameplay, very fluid and responsive controls, the fighting is pretty good and the RPG elements are more fledged-out than most action platformers that try to implement them. But, unfortunately, that just isn't enough for me to overlook the hideous voice acting, the über cute/furry art style (with that ugly computer shadowing most cartoons in the late 90's had, and that was fortunately discontinued), the annoying Fidget -- seriously, worst companion in a video game *EVER*! Why doesn't she just shut up?! It's like Navi on steroids.

As good as the gameplay is, they force all this other stuff down the players' metaphorical throat the whole time, and I just can't enjoy a game if it has so many things making me forget how good the combat and the platforming may be. Also, regarding the voice acting, some people said to me that "it's an indie game, you must take that into account, for an indie game, it has decent voice acting", but I beg to differ. As soon as there are indie titles out there like Bastion or the great Wadjet Eye adventure games, with remarkable voice acting, being an indie game should no longer be an excuse for lazy, mediocre voice talents. So, no, I'm not willing to overlook that issue. It's just terrible, ranging from horrific to sub-par voice actors, and with the amount of dialogue they have in-game, it's just not bearable.
Post edited December 27, 2013 by groze
Defender's Quest... I love the concept, but I know of two flash games that execute it so much better: Cursed Treasure and its sequel are both free, and are much better as Tower Defense/RPG hybrids.
fronzelneekburm: "The Real Texas" just seems like a total dud. I played it for maybe a half an hour and didn't find anything remotely enjoyable about it. It felt like the kind of indie game that gives indie games a bad name.
ChrisSD: I got that free in the insomnia sales (but haven't played it yet) so I'm not too worried if it's a dud. However I had heard good things about it so I'll still be a bit disappointed if it's just no fun.

Perhaps it's one of those games that appeals to some gamers but completely turns off others?
I can tell you for one thing the comparisons on the game page to RPG and Zelda are completely misleading. It's as rough around the edges as can be, but I found a certain charm in it, even if it looks a bit like the assets were made in MS paint.
Crusader: No Remorse. I looked at reviews and bought it even knowing the controls issues. But I have not thought that was so terrible, making it unplayable.
So glad that none of the games that I bought were disparaged for gameplay reasons. Does anyone here have any complaints about Nexus: Jupiter Incident, Strike Suit Zero, Advent Rising, Megabyte Punch, or Stargunner? I haven't played these yet but if there's anything really bad about them I'd like to know it going in.
Easy question for me: Freespace 2. It seems to be one of the top, top sellers here. I found it utterly shallow with an absurdly clunky interface. I gave it...maybe 10 hours or so because it was so hyped and I was really looking for a good space sim. Then I deleted it from my HD and I haven't thought about it one time since.
i havent tried it yet