lowyhong: Thanks for all the recommendations, in particular the RPG ones. Is GURPS really that hard? Maybe I'll start with D&D 4E after all.
For board games, right now I have my sights set on, in addition to the OP's, Arkham Horror, Car Wars, Descent Journeys in the Dark. The Battletech one looks worth considering. Giant robots ftw!
Also thanks to Judas Is Carrot for the Fallout RPG. That is the one designed by Sawyer right? Skimmed through a bit of it, and it looks suitably complex. I wish there's more than one adventure though.
"GMs are encouraged to make up their own
ending using the characters and locations provided, or make up their own adventures for
the characters to become involved in." from the PDF.
Looks like you can make up your own campaigns like in any other PnP game, so why not just do that?
As far who designed it, I am not sure. There's an "unasoda@hotmail.com" email address, if I look at the properties of the document in Adobe Reader it lists a Jason Mical as author.