I don't really mind regenerating health either; sure, I too enjoy a real challenge where if you mess up you die, but I am fine with some diversity to this formula as well. Personally, I'm still interested in Rage; racing, gunning and exploring in a post apocalyptic wasteland is hardly original,but it does undeniably sound like fun. ;)
As for "controller in mind" controls, as long as I can use my keyboard and mouse, and as long as they are as responsive as always, I really don't give a damn. Remember; Id is a business, and they need to go where they can find most costumers, and right now, that's with cross-platform co-developing. It wouldn't make sense for them to be fanboys of any one system, because like it or not: it is all about the profit, after all.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by Skystrider