chautemoc: Don't know what you're talking about, I found it to be some of the best mouse control I've ever used.
Some games have this shitty "mouse smoothing" option that makes the mouse tracking artificially accellerate and decellerate, rather than corresponding exactly with the movement of the mouse. I HATE that and always turn it off. Playing Dead Space was like having mouse smoothing dialed up to 11, only it wasn't optional.
The mouse was frustratingly imprecise and floaty, not only when aiming during combat but when just trying to turn myself around, because the mouse kept floating past what I was trying to aim at.
Worse than that, though, was that I actually had mouse
lag - there was a perceptible delay between moving the mouse and the game responding to it, maybe a quarter of a second. Combined with the mouse smoothing, it made the game an enormous pain in the ass to play, especially given its emphasis on precision targeting.
After the fact, I ran a search on "dead space controls" to see what was up, and the mass of results indicated that it wasn't just me. I've heard some people say that turning off VSync fixes the problem (others say it doesn't help), but it's too late for me to try that now, and I shouldn't have to do that anyway, because when I play games without VSync, they tend to look like crap.