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Alpha Centauri
-Currently my second scenario after my first run wasn't very successful. I feel like I already have experienced all I can do in the game apart from some fine-tuning and managing. Underwhelmed by the legendary Civilization principle so far, but no doubt I will return more often.

Master of Orion 2
-Once I have figured it out, I think it will be a good timesink.

Port Royale 2
-Only starts in Compatibility-mode, but with glitchy graphics. Will probably return to GOG.

Nearly got:
Pharao + Cleopatra
-I still remember how much fun the demo was, but in the end my vote fell on Port Royale 2, as a more "modern" "Pirates", which had me interested as well.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by Edgetho
Edgetho: Alpha Centauri
-Currently my second scenario after my first run wasn't very successful. I feel like I already have experienced all I can do in the game apart from some fine-tuning and managing. Underwhelmed by the legendary Civilization principle so far, but no doubt I will return more often.
It could just be the game as well. I'm a big civ fan, but I don't really like alpha centauri. It did hold my interest as I was playing it, but I was literally yawning the entire way through :P
Post edited December 30, 2013 by elendiel7
Edgetho: Master of Orion 2
-Once I have figured it out, I think it will be a good timesink.
The single best timesink I know of, though I can attest some other games come pretty close.
Yes, well, I have to see what I can still do with it. Ressource management, expanding and upgrading just doesn't seem to be such a big deal compared to some other games that have something along those lines.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by Edgetho
Edgetho: Alpha Centauri
-Currently my second scenario after my first run wasn't very successful. I feel like I already have experienced all I can do in the game apart from some fine-tuning and managing. Underwhelmed by the legendary Civilization principle so far, but no doubt I will return more often.
elendiel7: It could just be the game as well. I'm a big civ fan, but I don't really like alpha centauri It held my interest as I was playing it, but I was literally yawning the entire way through :P
For my part, I'm a Civ enthusiast (played the second or third instalment quite a bit), but Alpha Centauri just didn't pull me in that much.

It looks rich and complex, but it couldn't hold my interest long enough for me to figure out all that complexity.

Then again, I was figuring it out with a friend which did put some pressure. I might have better luck by myself, though there are at least 20 games I'd much rather play before so not sure when I'll get around to it.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by Magnitus
I got nothing from the winter sale for myself. Some good deals to be sure, but nothing I needed.
Magnitus: Then again, I was figuring it out with a friend which did put some pressure. I might have better luck by myself, though there are at least 20 games I'd much rather play before so not sure when I'll get around to it.
I actually started out the same way. Both of us can spend an entire day and the next morning just playing a civ game, but alpha centauri lasted like 3 hours for us.
Tallima: Everything on GOG is DRM-free.

You may have to have a unique serial number to play a few games (Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 are a few examples). Those games need the CD serials to keep track of unique player IDs, so it's integrated right into the game.
Taskbar: Tallima:

Thank you for the reply and for setting me straight about this. The problem is actually fairly simple: I managed to confuse GOG and Desura. Desura, as you know, has *mostly* DRM-free games but there are some that require Steam (i..e. Desure basically sells Steam keys to certain games, and not downloadable installers etc.) And I managed to get Desura, GOG, and their respective policies confused.

Well, I will buy Divinity II Director's Cut the next time it is available here (unless it appears in a DRM_free indie bundle prior that: I bet it shows up in either a Humble Bundle or a Groupees bundle eventually. But we'll see!)

Thanks again for taking the time to respond!
It was already in a humble bundle, I'm afraid. That was a month or two ago (Focus Bundle). I'll bet if you ask around, someone has a copy they'd be willing to trade you.

Edit: I was called the "Focus Home Interactive Bundle." It had Cities XL, Blood Bowl, Divine Divinity 2 Deeloper's Cut, RAW, Game of Thrones and Confrontation for the $1 or over bundle, Steam only.

BTA was Wargame European Escalation and The Testament of Sherlock.

Edit 2: You can ask folks if they have a copy for trade in this thread:
Post edited December 30, 2013 by Tallima
elendiel7: Any chance you have gotten around to trying Hammerwatch?
Surprisingly, yes! I'm really enjoying it, even tho I've only played single-player so far. The maps are large. I'm just about to fight the boss of the first area. Whatever key/button you have assigned to the primary attack will get a major workout - the third floor of the first map starts having large groups of enemies. If you kill 10+ enemies in quick succession you get a combo bonus. I think the highest combo I've gotten so far was around 50.

groze: Hey, Hammerwatch is very cool, loads of fun! But unfortunately I've been playing it alone. Any chance of finding you online for a bit of co-op action, kind sir/gentle madam (it's the internet, one never knows, sorry)?
Are you playing the Windows or Mac version? I would think you could play multi-player regardless of systems but you never know. I'm running it through Wine on a Mac (can't run the native version, don't have 10.8).
Post edited December 31, 2013 by CrowTRobo
Damn them and their re-offering deals I missed. A few others I though about, but this is what I came away with
Settlers Series
Eador Series
Expeditions: Conquistador

And these from the original Winter Sale
Trine Series
Two Worlds 2
Privateer 2
I purchase only the following games that came to me in the gift boxes.

Rise of the triad 2013
LILY Looking Through
Gabriel knight Sins of the fathers

I could not get The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena because my card ran out of money. LOOL
ReynardFox: Rogue Trooper
Thanks for mentioning - I didn't realize it was on GOG. I added to my wishlist.
ultima 4,5,6, I have no mouth and must scream, the fallout games.