Grargar: - I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream: Perhaps it's bad form, but I must blame tinyE for this. His mention in the White Elephant thread about disturbing stuff in the short story intrigued me to read it and then watch the GamesMaster Gore Special with the game's segment. And thus, I decided to give it a try.
I have to concur with tinyE, the short story is a work of brilliance and one of Ellison's best stories (if not his best in my opinion). The game differs A BIT from the short story but for obvious reasons but does not detract from the heart and soul of the original story. If anything Ellison's reading of the AM is utterly soul chilling; normally I am not fond of writers reading their own work (as my English Lit teacher used to say, "unless they are a professional speaker they shouldn't read their own work".) but he is absolutely amazing! Easily one of my favourite literary works along with the works of T.S. Eliot and Dylan Thomas.
As for what I managed to acquire, I was lucky enough to get the following games:
Deadly Premonition - I had a chance to play the console version of the game and have always wanted a copy.
Aarklash Legacy - I've wanted this for a while and it was super cheap so I got it.
Shadow Warrior (2013) - It was available for $10ish, and I am a fan of the first game so I grabbed it.
Outlast - I have been interested in this game since I saw the first few screen shots.
Carmageddeon 2 - I have this game on disc somewhere, but I wanted to get it to complete my collection on GOG.
Wing Commander series - I bought 4 a while back to replace my disc version, and I completed my set on the sale
RUNE Classic - I played a friends copy years ago and have been itching to have my own version.
Knock-Knock - I have been eyeballing it for a while and with the sale I couldn't resist getting it for cheap.
Galactic Civilizations I Ultimate Edition - I have been wanting this one for a while and the price was great.
Avadon 2 - I rolled a 75 or 80% off discount on the game and got it for cheap.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum - I couldn't pass it up at $10 bucks.
Surgeon Simulator 2013 - as with Avadon 2 I rolled and got a discount for $1.99 and my brain said what the hell.