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ErekoseDM: after reading the lists a little i thought it was "Farewell Fallouts" c/o Bethesda

is it actually "Farewell Interplay" ?

do i need to comb through the Interplay titles and get them before years end or was it only the Fallouts that are leaving us (that GOG was awesome enough to hook everybody up with)
groze: I should have been more clear, it's just "Farewell Fallout via Interplay", all other Interplay titles should stay as they are. Sorry about that!

disaster averted. ^_^

i was waiting out about 4 of their titles to see if they go on greater discount or a bundle or something in coming days.
or a Keane2 led new years extravaganza.
Schnuff: Gone crazy again :P
Sacrifice (now i have it Licurg)
Shadowgrounds Survivor
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
Last Express, The
Amerzone - The Explorer's Legacy
Myst: Masterpiece Edition
Syberia 2
Tex Murphy: Overseer
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
Humans Must Answer
Swapper, The
BloodRayne 2
Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Fantasy Wars
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Brutal Legend
Gothic 2 Gold Edition
Descent 3 + Expansion
Descent + Descent 2
Shadow Warrior (2013)
Fragile Allegiance
Aarklash: Legacy
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition
Broken Sword 2: Remastered + The Original Game
Earthworm Jim 1 + 2
Sword of the Stars: The Pit + 2 DLC
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Omerta: City of Gangsters (4 DLCs included)
alls of Steel
Creatures Exodus
ealms of Chaos
Lords of Midnight, The
Terminal Velocity
Fist Puncher
Space Empires IV: Deluxe
Race the Sun
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now
Have you had a chance to play Space Empires IV yet? I have been looking for a meaty strategy game :)

I already beat Master of Magic and Master of Orion back when they were still on physical store shelves :P
Post edited December 28, 2013 by JudasIscariot
Not many things, I already got the most part of games I want, and others I really want I still dont play their prequels or similar games so my shopping this time were more "impulse" buys of games with a very good cheap prize.

Rayden Legacy
Rise of the Triad (The old one, the new one I bought it n the Insomnia or before, I dont remember)
Indigo Prophecy - Farenheith
Post edited December 28, 2013 by YaTEdiGo
Might and Magic bundle
King of Dragon Pass - Only one that actually was on wishlist.
Gothic II Gold

Not counting the 3 Fallout games I assume. (Though those grabbed just because they were free really. In fact 2 and Tactics, since I had grabbed the free Fallout 1 the first time too for the same reason. No interest; played Fallout 2 to a point, not a too advanced point, once and no thanks. (Yeah, I know, sacrilege!))

First actual purchases, now that I can finally make some.
JudasIscariot: Have you had a chance to play Space Empires IV yet? I have been looking for a meaty strategy game :)

I already beat Master of Magic and Master of Orion back when they were still on physical store shelves :P
My problem is my limited volume.
Meaning from the now 382 games i own i haven't downloaded 104 games.
After this sale is over i take a leave from GOG cause i must save enough money for better and
cheaper access (with € 50 for 9GB and if very lucky 200kb/s i can't do much).
just installing the game

and deleted
Sorry i can't play it. Its playing in the native resolution of the monitor.
With best resolution of 1024 X 768. Without in-game option to change it...i haven't found one, and the manual says
the same....meaning that i must change my resolution every time i play the game or i need a big magnifying glass to
read the messages. If someone knows a other solution pls tell.
Post edited December 29, 2013 by Schnuff
I only wanted to get Fallout Tactics so Fallout 1 & 2 wouldn't feel lonely on my shelf and got it on the first day for free.

Then I saw Divinity 2 and Two Worlds 2 in the daily gift boxes and wanted them, too. Divinity 2 because I intend to own all of my Larian games here, even though I already had it on Steam and Two Worlds 2 to get a version without registration (at least in single player).

I got the Zork Anthology through a trade. It wasn't really a high priority, though.

The Bard's Tale, though I don't know if I'll ever use the key myself, as I already own it twice. I like the game, but maybe not THAT much.

Thief 3 to complete my collection of unplayed Thief games on gog.

Deus Ex just in case I'll ever want to play it. Yes, the gift boxes were tempting.

And a few games for trading/gifting later.

If the Settlers / The Fantastic Open Worlds deals had won, I'd bought them, too. If they appear in some kind of bonus round, I'll get them :D
Prepare for a wall of doom (In chronological order):

- Fallout Trilogy: I did have them on disc, but I wanted to grab all those extra GOG goodies. Thanks to GOG, I didn't have to pay a penny to get them.

- Sword of the Stars: The Pit Mind Games and Gold Edition Upgrade. Part of the Roguelikelike Bundlelike. I already had the base game and this was the perfect opportunity to get them cheap.

- Rogue Legacy: I really liked this game when I played the demo and acquired it as part of the Roguelikelike Bundlelike.

- Spelunky: Part of the Roguelikelike Bundlelike. Not sure If I'll like it, but Aquaria was nice.

- MDK 1+2: Since I'm unsure about Interplay's future status, I had to grab those two awesome games.

- Ultima Underworld 1+2: Winner of triock's giveaway. Thanks again, man! :)

- Tzar - Burden of the Crown+Volgarr the Viking: My Secret Santa gifts. Thanks again, Secret Santa! :)

- I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream: Perhaps it's bad form, but I must blame tinyE for this. His mention in the White Elephant thread about disturbing stuff in the short story intrigued me to read it and then watch the GamesMaster Gore Special with the game's segment. And thus, I decided to give it a try.

- Sacrifice+Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Similar to the MDK situation, I decided to buy those games before it would be too late. Paranoia for sure, but after Fallout, I'm not risking it.

- Re-Volt: This does look like an interesting 3D version of MicroMachines and I'm definitely sold on that.

- Realms of Chaos+Secret Agent: More platformers from Apogee? Keep them coming!

- Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee+Exoddus: Classic games that have been long on my wishlist. Completed them in the past, but lost my copies.

- Incoming+Incoming Forces: I liked Expendable, so I wanted to see whether this game, made by the same company, was worth it.

- Catacombs Pack: I'm aware that Catacomb 3D is not the only game in the package, but even at this price, I would still buy it stand-alone. Doom with spells? Count me in!

And I bought Witcher 2 for a friend's birthday. He doesn't have a GOG account yet, but he loved the first Witcher.
Not as many as the last major sale but

Blade of Darkness
Arcanum - have a disk copy but is a pain to get running so I'll take the ease of a GOG version
Wing Commander Armada

Balls of Steel
Carmageddon 2
Wing Commander 5
(Many thanks to my secret santa for those)

With that I have the Wing Commander series completed and am happy to finally play Wasteland. Fallout is nice but having played it very little it is still something of a stumbling block I come back to every once in awhile and progress some more. However, to try the the one that started the whole shebang with Wasteland I am very happy to have that opportunity.
The only thing I remember buying from the Winter sale was a copy of Wasteland to give someone in the GOG Gifting thread.

Nothing for myself, I'm really trying to reign in this obsession with collecting games, and instead play what I already have. So far so good, but it's a work in progress.
Schnuff: Gone crazy again :P
Bit of an understatement... :)
Nothing at all: none of the games I wanted were within my price range, except for one today, when my money is tied up ohterwise.
*makes memo to self: not paying the tax man / not buying gogs on sale and the consequences - which is more detremental to a healthy lifestyle?!
Post edited December 28, 2013 by Sachys
Grargar: - I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream: Perhaps it's bad form, but I must blame tinyE for this. His mention in the White Elephant thread about disturbing stuff in the short story intrigued me to read it and then watch the GamesMaster Gore Special with the game's segment. And thus, I decided to give it a try.
I have to concur with tinyE, the short story is a work of brilliance and one of Ellison's best stories (if not his best in my opinion). The game differs A BIT from the short story but for obvious reasons but does not detract from the heart and soul of the original story. If anything Ellison's reading of the AM is utterly soul chilling; normally I am not fond of writers reading their own work (as my English Lit teacher used to say, "unless they are a professional speaker they shouldn't read their own work".) but he is absolutely amazing! Easily one of my favourite literary works along with the works of T.S. Eliot and Dylan Thomas.

As for what I managed to acquire, I was lucky enough to get the following games:

Deadly Premonition - I had a chance to play the console version of the game and have always wanted a copy.
Aarklash Legacy - I've wanted this for a while and it was super cheap so I got it.
Shadow Warrior (2013) - It was available for $10ish, and I am a fan of the first game so I grabbed it.
Outlast - I have been interested in this game since I saw the first few screen shots.
Carmageddeon 2 - I have this game on disc somewhere, but I wanted to get it to complete my collection on GOG.
Wing Commander series - I bought 4 a while back to replace my disc version, and I completed my set on the sale
RUNE Classic - I played a friends copy years ago and have been itching to have my own version.
Knock-Knock - I have been eyeballing it for a while and with the sale I couldn't resist getting it for cheap.
Galactic Civilizations I Ultimate Edition - I have been wanting this one for a while and the price was great.
Avadon 2 - I rolled a 75 or 80% off discount on the game and got it for cheap.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum - I couldn't pass it up at $10 bucks.
Surgeon Simulator 2013 - as with Avadon 2 I rolled and got a discount for $1.99 and my brain said what the hell.

Well, nothing for myself anyway.
Here's what I got so far during the winter promo:

Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics:
- I was hoping they would put it on sale but I got the bonus plan when they put up the freebie promo. I wanted these games for a while solely due to the overwhelming positive ratings and word of mouth on the GOG forums. I had never even heard of these games before, but I like turn based RPGs and figure if that many people think these are awesome, I will most certainly think so too.

Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition (66% off one-off promo),
Wing Commander: Armada, Wing Commander: Academy, Privateer 2: The Darkening (75% off group promo):
- The Wing Commander series has been on my wishlist forever and I was missing these 4 titles so I couldn't pass them up at that price point.

Surgeon Simulator 2013:
- This one just sounded like it might be a little zany fun to poke around with, potentially a game that didn't require too much thought. Most of the games I buy are more complex and mentally challenging or require dexterity, strategy, tactics, etc. This one is just a big joke and I kind of wanted to see it just for humour's sake. The promo pricing in combination with the very funny promotional video GOG had under the promo made me buy the game. Ultimately it was the promo video which cracked me up. :)

- The BloodRayne series has been on my wishlist for a while and I'd been waiting for them to go on deep discount promo for a while. I mentioned that in a discussion thread and a kind soul gifted me the first game out of the blue unexpectedly! The generosity in these forums is just mind blowing sometimes!

Corsairs Gold, Patrician 1+2, Port Royale, Port Royale 2:
- Some of these were on my wishlist as I like these type of strategy games and have a fair number of similar titles. I wasn't in any hurry to buy them due to having quite a collection already but with the deep discount promo price I decided what the heck and got them. I got an extra game or so also that wasn't on my wishlist but is similar in nature so it was fine by me anyway. ;)

Castles + Castles 2, Stronghold HD, Stronghold Crusader HD:
- These 3 were all on my wishlist as a Someday/Maybe purchase due to liking games in the genre. The price was the deciding factor. GOG must recognize that many people have some form of passing interest in games where we wont necessarily buy them outright because we own a zillion already, but when the price is low enough we go ahead and make a whimsical buy anyway and throw them in the mountain for later. ;) Well, now I can build a castle or a stronghold on top of the mountain at least. ;oP
skeletonbow: Surgeon Simulator 2013:
- This one just sounded like it might be a little zany fun to poke around with, potentially a game that didn't require too much thought. Most of the games I buy are more complex and mentally challenging or require dexterity, strategy, tactics, etc. This one is just a big joke and I kind of wanted to see it just for humour's sake. The promo pricing in combination with the very funny promotional video GOG had under the promo made me buy the game. Ultimately it was the promo video which cracked me up. :)
I'm actually surprised some people wrote serious reviews on gog about this game, especially regarding the inherently awful controls.