Marzooker: It's a simple question really. I'm trying to research the reasoning behind why people play computer/video games. What compels you to put so many hours into them? Can a video game hold the same importance to you as a film, or say your favourite album?
For if i build any more traps or make vails of things that set stuff on fire and stuff it all in that place where we put these things. one of the minions is bound to open the door and get many burns or wounds from all that stuff falling on them. its much cheaper to buy a few video games, then to pay the doctor bills for a wounded minion.
Also for many other reasons. While waiting for your plans to take effect, supplies to come in or on a long march, can help to pass the time in a enjoyable way or get your brain thinking when you are trying to think of a plan to one up these paladins. Also gaming devises make both a nice thick and heavy melee and range weapon.