For fun, for relaxation and for challenge. And sometimes as a social activity. I greatly enjoy playing video games, far more so than watching movies or TV-shows, and as I'm often a bit too tired to read when I get home, video games suit me just fine. Also, when I'm stressed out, it is nice to just be able to blast some aliens into oblivion.
And finally, I don't get enough challenge in my day to day life, so video games can act as an outlet for that. I'll boot up something that has a challenge that I find interesting and play that. If I did not have this outlet, I would probably be a very frustrated person.
Can a video game hold the same importance to you as a film, or say your favourite album?
Absolutely. Games have surpassed movies for me. I hardly ever watch movies alone these days, because I just get bored. That being said, I can enjoy a really good movie, it just needs to be something exceptional for me to find it worth my time. As for my favourite album? I don't listen to music. I can appreciate music when in a context (i.e. background music in a game/movie/some other activity), but on its own, I don't get anything out of it.