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Slow sales, not a great game range...but getting will things go with it...
I'l came back to you and let you know in a couple of years.
The PS3 was really doing bad when it first started last generation so I'm not to worried about Nintendo. I don't think they have any third party support, but Nintendo can survive on their first party titles alone which is something Sony or Microsoft can't do.
I think it is dead. Pretty much to be expected, since Nintendo had no real plan for demonstrating the Game Pad's worth, and games that did got barely any marketing support from Nintendo - Zombie U and Wonderful 101, for example.

In my opinion, it is because Nintendo has a very powerful isolationist tendency, one that prevents the company from being a genuine competitor. Sometime between the N64 and Gamecube, Nintendo of Japan removed Nintendo of America's ability to act independently, which means that everything that NOA wanted to do would have to be passed through NOJ. This has had the unfortunate effect of NOJ making decisions concerning the American market through Japanese sensibilities - which is a very dangerous, especially when their ideas have to be passed back through NOA to be enacted.

Furthermore, Nintendo has always possessed a strong disdain for 3rd party developers, and has often gone out of their way to either exploit or denigrate those developers. Either way, it is a very toxic behavior because it makes developers hesitant to work with Nintendo's platform. In addition to this, the hardware is made to suit Nintendo, not 3rd party developers. This effectively cripples the ability of 3rd party developers to make games, further salting the soil of Nintendo's consoles.

Those 3rd party developers are essential for filling the gaps in Nintendo's catalog, be it a lack of certain genres or to make new games available for every month. By being so toxic to developers, Nintendo's platform simply doesn't have the games to compete with Sony and Microsoft.

Nintendo may have made a great deal of money from the Wii, but their mindshare has been eroded by a lack of good and constant marketing, decisions that do not favor the mass production and sale of games, and a overall inability to understand the gaming market.

The only saving grace of Nintendo is the quality of their games. I sincerely hope that Nintendo becomes a 3rd party developer, because their hardware is hindering their ability to make what I enjoy.
I wouldn't call it dead, as there is (and will be) a demand for the Wii U. However, I don't think it will ever meet the sales projections that Nintendo believed in while they were developing the Wii U. These projections were, in hindsight, quite dubious to begin with.

The problem is that the first Wii, by virtue of being very different from other consoles, found lots of buyers who wouldn't usually be interested in video games. In sales predictions, you cannot treat Wii owners the same way you would treat Xbox or Playstation owners with regard to their likelihood of upgrading to the next generation. Lots of people bought the original Wii as an experiment to try out a hobby that they hadn't been heavily invested in so far. This was easily done since the Wii was cheap, and many games for it were quite simple while still being fun. And while the Wii definitely brought more people to video gaming, there is also a huge portion of Wii owners who simply found out that they didn't like video games all that much after all, or who lost interest after a while of having fun and returned to their other hobbies, or who are content with whatever the Wii has to offer and don't see a reason to upgrade. The usual reason of "being able to play games with better graphics" has less appeal than for other consoles because if Wii owners cared a lot about high-end graphics, they wouldn't have bought a Wii to begin with.

In short: I believe that the Wii U is not dead, and has its place in the current market. It's just important to understand that a huge part of the Wii's success derived from its appeal to people who weren't gamers already. And while some of these people may have been turned into gamers eventually, many haven't. It seems that Nintendo did not weigh this factor high enough in their predictions.
Post edited March 20, 2014 by Psyringe
It wasn't a wish, but I always thought it would be dead by day 1. I never understood the twisted concept of the Wii-U. What was the point? Make things different just for the heck of it? At least the Wii (whether you liked it or not) made more sense and added something to the video game industry.
Probably dead. It will likely end up like the Dreamcast. It will have a good small library of games and will be appreciated more once its discontinued.
Cambrey: It wasn't a wish, but I always thought it would be dead by day 1. I never understood the twisted concept of the Wii-U. What was the point? Make things different just for the heck of it? At least the Wii (whether you liked it or not) made more sense and added something to the video game industry.
I think it's just Nintendo's way. They prefer to build hardware, mainly tinkering with controller design, and then design games to showcase the hardware. I think it's a reflection of their history as a toy manufacturer. For all that people are insisting they should switch to software only, I think it would be very dicey as it would require a dramatic cultural shift by the company.
Psyringe: I wouldn't call it dead, as there is (and will be) a demand for the Wii U. However, I don't think it will ever meet the sales projections that Nintendo believed in while they were developing the Wii U. These projections were, in hindsight, quite dubious to begin with.

The problem is that the first Wii, by virtue of being very different from other consoles, found lots of buyers who wouldn't usually be interested in video games. In sales predictions, you cannot treat Wii owners the same way you would treat Xbox or Playstation owners with regard to their likelihood of upgrading to the next generation. Lots of people bought the original Wii as an experiment to try out a hobby that they hadn't been heavily invested in so far. This was easily done since the Wii was cheap, and many games for it were quite simple while still being fun. And while the Wii definitely brought more people to video gaming, there is also a huge portion of Wii owners who simply found out that they didn't like video games all that much after all, or who lost interest after a while of having fun and returned to their other hobbies, or who are content with whatever the Wii has to offer and don't see a reason to upgrade. The usual reason of "being able to play games with better graphics" has less appeal than for other consoles because if Wii owners cared a lot about high-end graphics, they wouldn't have bought a Wii to begin with.

In short: I believe that the Wii U is not dead, and has its place in the current market. It's just important to understand that a huge part of the Wii's success derived from its appeal to people who weren't gamers already. And while some of these people may have been turned into gamers eventually, many haven't. It seems that Nintendo did not weigh this factor high enough in their predictions.
I agree with that. the only people the WiiU really appeals still itching to play the new Mario, Zelda, Metroid, ect. That may not be ideal according to Nintendo, I think the Wii U will survive. To be honest if I were to get a console this generation it would be a Wii U because of it first party titles, but before I would even get that I would get a 3DS. I have enjoyed the times I had on Nintendo consoles in the past, but I kinda transitioned to PC gaming thanks to GOG which is great because instead of having to choose between the kind of games you would find on a Nintendo console or the stuff you would find on a Sony or Microsoft cosole I get both on a PC :D.
Fictionvision: Probably dead. It will likely end up like the Dreamcast. It will have a good small library of games and will be appreciated more once its discontinued.
Is it wrong to say that its sort of a self-fulliling prophecy gamer's themselves inflicted on Nintendo?

Non of this would happen if more people bought more Wii-U so it will force 3rd parties to focus on the console.

But than it will end up being like the PS2/Xbox/GC era where the PS2 (Wii-U) being the most inferior console graphically and tech-wise was selling better than the more powerful consoles (PS4 and XBONE)
Its not dead but it will be something on back-burner with Nintendo releasing cool stuff every few months.
Without a miracle the Wii-U is dead.....for gamers.
No sales, no support from 3rd party, no real must have games.
Only....its Nintendo. They have different customers than the 2 other companies.
And with their sales from DS they can survive very long.
Last i read about them is that Big N has over $10.5 billion cash and over $5 billion
in investments.
What they'll do? Only Nintendo could tell you that.
It's in trouble for sure.

Right now Nintendo is hoping the next Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8 will sell the system which they probably will help move.

The problem is though is that they have little to no major 3rd party support meaning even if they do move a lot of consoles there still won't be any real 3rd party games until well down the road if they decide to come back.

Then even if they do come back they really won't know what to do with the systems unique features. The major Publishers prefer releasing games that are easy to port requiring little to no effort to alter code to make it usable on other formats, with the Wii-U it's going to require more time, money, and resources to make a port work on the system and/or use the systems unique features and honestly I don't see the 3rd parties willing to put money into those types of projects.
Dead, not sure for later. Maybe a spike with a new Zelda or Pokemon title?

IMHO, I want it dead, N already has the lion part with 3Ds, fair enough.