Glasswolf: The Wii U's library is nearly on par with the PS4/Xbox One's, but they just launched; Wii U has been out for over a year.
Oh, c'mon, the Wii U's library right now is much better than the Xbox One and the PS4 both in quantity and quality. Of course, the Wii U was released 1 year before the Xbox One and the PS4, so it's no surprise it has a better library right now.
And to be honest the Wii U's launch line-up was still better than the PS4/Xbox One in my opinion (even though it was still pretty weak). I mean, pretty much all the Xbox One/PS4 launch games were kind of disappointing and got some pretty mediocre reviews (Ryse, Knack, Killzone, Dead Rising 3). At least New Super Mario Bros Wii U didn't disappoint and Zombi U was kind of decent.
Glasswolf: Nintendo is ignoring the Wii U by intentionally releasing games on the Wii and not the Wii U, instead of forcing that transition to make sales, delaying the Wii U version of Smash Bros (Really, the 3DS gets it 8 months in advance? Why?), and doing stupid things like having released Skyward Sword on Wii instead of delaying that as a launch title for the Wii U.
I really don't know what you mean when you say that "Nintendo is intentionally releasing games on the Wii and not the Wii U". Am i missing something? Nintendo hasn't released anything for the Wii since they announced the Wii U. The last game Nintendo made for the Wii was Skyward Swords, which came ONE YEAR before the Wii U.
Glasswolf: I have no idea what they expected to happen, but now it's obviously a dead console, they're not even trying to keep it alive. I'd love the Wii U to be a better console; I bought it near launch, and loved Zombie U for example. But there's so few games for it.
I agree that the Wii U is not doing well at all. But calling it a "dead console"? Heck, no. The Xbox One is also struggling in sales right now and no one is calling it a "dead console".
Glasswolf: Besides Nintendo, who is even making content for the Wii U? Platinum Games? And..? Exactly. Not even Capcom's releasing stuff for the Wii U.
Since when does Nintendo have a strong third-party support? The last Nintendo console with strong third-party support was the SNES decades ago. If you buy a Nintendo console expecting a huge third-party line-up then you really don't know what you're doing. It has nothing to do with the Wii U. The Wii was the biggest selling console of the last generation and it didn't have a strong third-party support.
Glasswolf: Nintendo did nothing to clarify this issue, made worse by continuing to release new stuff for the Wii *only*.
What exactly is Nintendo releasing for the Wii? I think i may have missed it.
StingingVelvet: No Nintendo console has sold because of 3rd party games since the SNES, though.