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scampywiak: Nintendo is on their way out.
People have been saying that since the N64 was released 18 years ago. Still didn't happen.
Post edited March 24, 2014 by Neobr10
As long as they come out with some more first party games like mario kart 8 and the new zelda it's still gonna be making money.
Wii U is deader than Dreamcast, and is now being intentionally ignored by Nintendo. To claim otherwise is absurd.
mrcrispy83: It's sad to see people trash the Wii-u for not having games, when ps4/xbone have got nothing and probably won't be remotely worthwhile until holiday 2015.
Maybe true, however the WiiU traded next-gen specs for 1 year and a half advantage over the competitors.... if it still lacks a solid base of titles, it will be thrashed fast by the newer releases, since it does not seems to have the same family appeal that the first Wii had, which helped co-exists with the more "pure" gaming consoles
Post edited May 10, 2014 by Antaniserse
Isn't it some delicious irony that we resurrect a thread talking about death (of a console)? :P
That is pretty funny. I hope the system's prospects improve. Maybe after E3 it will get better, but as it stands it is only doing okay at best. I don't think we should discount it as a failure just yet, bu those of us who are owners should be concerned.
I don't think it's dead, but it did suffer greatly from Nintendo resting on their laurels.

They failed to properly advertise it to the customers that made the Wii such a huge smash hit. They seemed to think that those people would just 'know' that the WiiU wasn't just a peripheral of the Wii, not realising that the customers that made the Wii so popular don't normally seek out that information like those solely interested in gaming.

They don't need a 'killer app' like Bayonetta 2 or anything we gamers normally think of as necessary, they need the people who learned about the Wii through things like 'Oprah' to learn about the WiiU in the same way. They had that handed to them for the Wii and I think they expected to have that handed to them with the WiiU as well. Unfortunately that's not how it normally works, stuff like that usually requires a massive advertising and marketing budget.
Post edited May 10, 2014 by Cormoran
Glasswolf: Wii U is deader than Dreamcast, and is now being intentionally ignored by Nintendo. To claim otherwise is absurd.
But it isn't. Comparing the Wii U to the Dreamcast is ridiculous. Nintendo is still a pretty healthy company despite the weak sales of the Wii U, Sega was completely broke when they pulled the plug on the Dreamcast (actually, they were already broke when they released it, they lost too much money on the Saturn and the failed Genesis Add-ons).

And could you point out how Nintendo is "intentionally ignoring" the Wii U? There are many first-party titles coming out this year and they'll certainly reveal more at the E3's Nintendo Direct.
Post edited May 10, 2014 by Neobr10
I feel like once they release some actual Nintendo classics the thing will eventually get to Gamecube numbers at least. They lost the mainstream again, which honestly was probably a fluke with the Wii, but they should be able to get their core audience back.

Unless those people are finally "over it," which I would be surprised by.
Glasswolf: Wii U is deader than Dreamcast, and is now being intentionally ignored by Nintendo. To claim otherwise is absurd.
Neobr10: But it isn't. Comparing the Wii U to the Dreamcast is ridiculous. Nintendo is still a pretty healthy company despite the weak sales of the Wii U, Sega was completely broke when they pulled the plug on the Dreamcast (actually, they were already broke when they released it, they lost too much money on the Saturn and the failed Genesis Add-ons).

And could you point out how Nintendo is "intentionally ignoring" the Wii U? There are many first-party titles coming out this year and they'll certainly reveal more at the E3's Nintendo Direct.
The Wii U's library is nearly on par with the PS4/Xbox One's, but they just launched; Wii U has been out for over a year. Nintendo is ignoring the Wii U by intentionally releasing games on the Wii and not the Wii U, instead of forcing that transition to make sales, delaying the Wii U version of Smash Bros (Really, the 3DS gets it 8 months in advance? Why?), and doing stupid things like having released Skyward Sword on Wii instead of delaying that as a launch title for the Wii U. I have no idea what they expected to happen, but now it's obviously a dead console, they're not even trying to keep it alive. I'd love the Wii U to be a better console; I bought it near launch, and loved Zombie U for example. But there's so few games for it. Besides Nintendo, who is even making content for the Wii U? Platinum Games? And..? Exactly. Not even Capcom's releasing stuff for the Wii U. You can potentially blame the game pad for that, and the motion controls, requiring nessecary re-programing in a port which makes it harder and thus less incentive, but Nintendo's done so little to promote the Wii U in any way, even at launch, there's no real market for other companies to try and tap into. For example, instead of calling it Wii 2, an obvious sequel, some casual consumers were confused and just stuck to the Wii. Nintendo did nothing to clarify this issue, made worse by continuing to release new stuff for the Wii *only*. That undermines the whole reason about there being a new console. Last year, Nintendo didn't even bother with E3; they're going to announce their new Skylanders rip off and a fitness and wellbeing device. The first could help the Wii U, but the second? Sounds like they are ripping a Wii Fit sequel away from it.
All of the big next-gen-only games lack Wii U versions. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Batman: Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed Unity, The Crew, Tom Clancy's The Division, etc.

No amount of optimisation can turn 2 GB of RAM into 8 GB.
Glasswolf: (snip)
Skyword Sword was released as a game that celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Zelda franchise. The Japanese Version of the original Zelda was released February 21, 1986. If they delayed Skyward Sword, it wouldn't have been much of a celebration.

If I had to guess why Super Smash Bros. is coming out later for the Wii U, it's probably because it's going to be more massive than we can possibly imagine (Brawl was pretty huge), and they're no doubt bolstering the Wii U Nintendo Network to make sure it can handle the extra load that it's going to be put under. And whatever that mystery 3DS version-Wii U version tie-in Sakurai mentioned is.

There are third-party developers making games for the Wii U. With the exception of some very notable games (Bayonetta 2, Rayman Legends, Sonic: Lost World, Resident Evil: Revelations, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate) they mostly seem to be limiting their focus to the eShop, unfortunately.

And about those Nintendo NFC figurines they've announced? Calling them "Skylanders rip-offs" is a misrepresentation. The Skylanders figures work only with the Skylanders games and a Skylandlers base. The plan for the Nintendo NFC figurines is that they'll work with any game designed for their use, without a base. The Gamepad has an NFC receiver on the front on it.
Post edited May 11, 2014 by dmetras
Glasswolf: (snip)
dmetras: Skyword Sword was released as a game that celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Zelda franchise. The Japanese Version of the original Zelda was released February 21, 1986. If they delayed Skyward Sword, it wouldn't have been much of a celebration.

If I had to guess why Super Smash Bros. is coming out later for the Wii U, it's probably because it's going to be more massive than we can possibly imagine (Brawl was pretty huge), and they're no doubt bolstering the Wii U Nintendo Network to make sure it can handle the extra load that it's going to be put under. And whatever that mystery 3DS version-Wii U version tie-in Sakurai mentioned is.

There are third-party developers making games for the Wii U. With the exception of some very notable games (Bayonetta 2, Rayman Legends, Sonic: Lost World, Resident Evil: Revelations, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate) they mostly seem to be limiting their focus to the eShop, unfortunately.

And about those Nintendo NFC figurines they've announced? Calling them "Skylanders rip-offs" is a misrepresentation. The Skylanders figures work only with the Skylanders games and a Skylandlers base. The plan for the Nintendo NFC figurines is that they'll work with any game designed for their use, without a base. The Gamepad has an NFC receiver on the front on it.
I'll conceed to the Zelda aspect; still believe they should of had a Wii U version, though. And it's possible that the Wii U version is being delayed to work on sever capacity (though 8 months seems a long time for that, especially considering they've known about a Wii U version since before the Wii U was even released, really - it was inevidable).

As for the third party games? Yes, eStore has some, but the eStore is a horrible mess; over priced, poor quality stock that is more difficult than it should be to sift through. It's not a great experience to browse the eStore. It's not like a lot of those examples are Wii U exclusives either; Monster Hunter and Sonic are on 3DS, Resident Evil 3DS and PC, same with Rayman. Bayonetta will be, and that will be cool, but it's been over a year; there should be more ports of games going to other consoles, let alone exclusives and a few non-Nintendo exclusives in general. The Wii U library is very barren, with store shelves being basically static for months. The eStore 'exclusives' feel a lot like badly ported mobile games for the most part, with a few legit gems hidden within that, sadly, would probably be better off being anywhere but on the eStore in the first place. The Nintendo company focus seems to be on the 3DS more than not, and that makes sense; it's selling. It's just a shame the 3D part of the console is beyond useless and Nintendo took yet another step back and region locked the damned thing.

And the Skylander rip offs? It may be a misrepresentation because they will work with multiple titles, but realistically you can't believe the higher ups at Nintendo didn't see the success of Skylanders and Disney Infinity and just wanted that for themselves. I will be very surprised if many games really use this, and more so if many games that *aren't* made by Nintendo do either; Link in Mario Kart would be awesome, but I don't see that expanding beyond the horizon of being able to put Link in just another Nintendo product as a reskin. They could release an awesome 'Nintendo Land 2' taking advantage of that, and that would be cool, but as a console seller? Smash was supposed to be that, and they undermined it by making a 3DS version; who is to say they won't do the exact same with this idea?
Post edited May 11, 2014 by Glasswolf
I say the Wii-U isn't dead just perhaps comatose. Nintendo should be okay though, they have their franchise characters and a stronghold on the handheld gaming system market.

As much as my Wii gathers up dust, I'd still like to get a Wii-U for the zelda games and maybe few mario games. I just can't afford one at the moment, hopefully by next year.
Arkose: All of the big next-gen-only games lack Wii U versions. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Batman: Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed Unity, The Crew, Tom Clancy's The Division, etc.

No amount of optimisation can turn 2 GB of RAM into 8 GB.
No Nintendo console has sold because of 3rd party games since the SNES, though. Their problem is a lack of quality 1st party stuff.