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Giudichar: offtopic:

Has anyone else the problem that this forum does not show all own postings? I'm now missing two of mine in this thread (@VanishedOne :-) ). o_O
Not really. But I do find it annoying that the "forum replies" thingy expires after around a week after your first post on a thread, not the last. Because now it doesn't show the gifting threads, for instance.

Just saying, since we're off topic anyway.
JMich: Was removed ~ 6 hours ago.
Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome ?
Giudichar: offtopic:

Has anyone else the problem that this forum does not show all own postings? I'm now missing two of mine in this thread (@VanishedOne :-) ). o_O

edit: It seems like I can't answer to other postings. :-/
You might be getting hit by the hastily-implemented-temporary-spam-filter-that-hates-you-if-your-rep.-is-low feature. It's known to auto-block URLs, which is why I can't provide explanatory links, but URL-less posts have also been known to go missing.
MDyzzle: XIII will be removed from our catalog at the end of 2012.

It will NOT be removed from your accounts, but you will not be able to buy it anymore.
any chance can we get it back?
You can still buy it on uplay (Ubisoft's store Uk store I think). for 5 pounds.

Also I think there could be something with that XIII point and click game that was made. I don't know but I have a feeling it will be back.

PS I bought it anyway
It is available for just over £3 sterling at Gamersgate also.

Only downside with the GG version is that it uses Tages for the protection.
I already bought it here time ago, my concern is about the active support of GOG.
I should have checked the forums sooner...I was going to buy XIII alongside a bunch of other games tonight.
Iain: It is available for just over £3 sterling at Gamersgate also.

Only downside with the GG version is that it uses Tages for the protection.
Tages, you say?

I've never experienced Tages before, but from what I've read it's pretty bad.
Even though I have it on PC DVD, I felt so bad with such awesomeness being removed, I got it on GOG as well.

Damn Ubisoft for not financing the sequel.
Oh, shucks. It was on my wishlist, but I waited if it would be in a pack and didn't see the warning.
Does anyone have a copy they'd like to trade or gift?
Terpor: Why is XIII removed from the catalog?
TurnipSlayerr: Not sure if I can say, sorry.
Any new progress? Any offical statement from publisher or anything else?
I´d love to see this one back on here...
TurnipSlayerr: Not sure if I can say, sorry.
RadonGOG: Any new progress? Any offical statement from publisher or anything else?
I´d love to see this one back on here...
Afraid I don't have any news to share regarding this. Of course we'd love to see it back too but my understanding is that the rights situation is somewhat complicated now. Please bear in mind though that my information is limited as I was never actually involved with the game or its publishers.
RadonGOG: Any new progress? Any offical statement from publisher or anything else?
I´d love to see this one back on here...
TurnipSlayerr: Afraid I don't have any news to share regarding this. Of course we'd love to see it back too but my understanding is that the rights situation is somewhat complicated now. Please bear in mind though that my information is limited as I was never actually involved with the game or its publishers.
OK, I accept this answer ;)
Maybe there had been some differences between Publisher (Ubisoft) and the writers of the comics...
TurnipSlayerr: Afraid I don't have any news to share regarding this. Of course we'd love to see it back too but my understanding is that the rights situation is somewhat complicated now. Please bear in mind though that my information is limited as I was never actually involved with the game or its publishers.
RadonGOG: OK, I accept this answer ;)
Maybe there had been some differences between Publisher (Ubisoft) and the writers of the comics...
IIRC it was removed around the time that some hidden objects game based on XIII, made by someone else was released so I guess their contract with the XIII comic publishers removed Ubisoft's rights to sell their game...