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QC: Then we're short one great dane, a kid on pot, and a person in an ascot.
monkeydelarge: Ok but we have a monkey, tinyE and a person named QC, who wears a monocle.
Technically I'm a collection of triangles in a monocle but there you go.
the_bard: 5 star thread. PMSL
Elvin37: Hmm what does PMSL stand for
Post-Modern Sex Life
Post edited November 04, 2013 by QC
monkeydelarge: Ok but we have a monkey, tinyE and a person named QC, who wears a monocle.
QC: Technically I'm a collection of triangles in a monocle but there you go.
Elvin37: Hmm what does PMSL stand for
QC: Post-Modern Sex Life
It all makes sense now
Nothing for nothing, but this seems the appropriate thread. I'm out and about. It's raining here. Stepped outside for a minute and had this guy approach me and ask me for a quarter. My response initially was that I didn't have one. Then I asked him, "Just out of curiosity; what the fuck is a quarter going to buy you in 2013?" He replied, "A cigar." I offered him a cigarette instead. For which he was grateful. Turns out he was stressing over some personal stuff. It happens.
the_bard: Nothing for nothing, but this seems the appropriate thread. I'm out and about. It's raining here. Stepped outside for a minute and had this guy approach me and ask me for a quarter. My response initially was that I didn't have one. Then I asked him, "Just out of curiosity; what the fuck is a quarter going to buy you in 2013?" He replied, "A cigar." I offered him a cigarette instead. For which he was grateful. Turns out he was stressing over some personal stuff. It happens.
Damned good result i think! :)
BranjoHello won one of my giveaways, the flatout one actually.

Seems like a OK guy to me.
He's even on my steam friends list.
RetroJaro: BranjoHello won one of my giveaways, the flatout one actually.

Seems like a OK guy to me.
He's even on my steam friends list.
He is a nice guy overall but has a habit it seems of personal message begging people which can be annoying
low rated
Is it a paradox when someone accuse someone else being shameless by being shameless themselves?
Because that is exactly what happened here.
Unfortunate combination of events lead to unjustified tarnishing my reputation on this forum (real rep, not this stupid number). I'm not going to play "my word against someone else's game", I'm going to give you EVIDENCE (attached at the bottom of this post)!
I asked three guys simple question enquiring them about two games that I knew they won in a giveaway and don't need them and I would like to play very much. And all of the sudden I'm shameless beggar?!?

I went to bed yesterday after answering lugum what you can see in EVIDENCE and today I woke up and was astonished by existence of this thread.
Elvin37, lugum and Mr. Vulcan, next time before you decide to light a bonfire for someone, please investigate the matter more thoroughly.
There are many people here that know I'm not that what these three called me, they know that even without my response here, so this post is intended for those that didn't know.

Still can't believe someone can so easily accuse me for something like this. I'm not some guy piling games for the sake of it, I only enter giveaways for games I want to play.
For the love of Azeroth, in the only giveaway I started I gifted a game I don't have and want to play, is that a behavior of a shameless beggar?!?
I'm not quitting this forum anytime soon, because of all good people I met here (and that number is much bigger than 3) but you're going to see a lot less activity from me in certain type of topics.
1elvin.jpg (205 Kb)
2thesp.jpg (267 Kb)
3lugum.jpg (308 Kb)
Begging or not what's the big deal? If you don't wanna give it away to him just say "sorry dude, can't do that", you don't need fall in a mental delirium of exsitential proportions... my other thread about begging seem to hold ground, people really have a grudge/displeasure towards others asking for stuff :P
Post edited November 05, 2013 by nadenitza
BranjoHello: Still can't believe someone can so easily accuse me for something like this. I'm not some guy piling games for the sake of it, I only enter giveaways for games I want to play.
For the love of Azeroth, in the only giveaway I started I gifted a game I don't have and want to play, is that a behavior of a shameless beggar?!?
No matter how politely you think you're 'asking', or how you don't believe that "there's no shame in being less fortunate" is not a pity-me spiel, or how much you think wanting the games makes you more deserving than other people to have them, you are the very definition of a beggar. You ask for free things, you give your story, you try to create 'opportunity' through verbal suggestions and swaying - the word for that is a con artist. Pan handlers do that on a daily basis. You think doing it through pms somehow makes you different, but you're worse because you're not in a situation that warrants it.

You're just selfish and shameless. You'd need no shame to do what you do. "I gave away a game I wanted. That means it's okay for me to pm people for free games." I'm not sure how you see that as anything but entitlement. From your post here and your pm's you're a very selfish person. "They don't need that" - It's none of your business who has what or what they're going to do with it.

And in regards to your pm: BLOCKED. You have blocked this user.
You are not someone worth seeing in my contacts and it's unfortunate that your name is stuck in my messages now.
BranjoHello: <snip>
I'm guessing at this point that you're unaware of the fundamental tenet that unsolicited begging is taboo anyway. We have gifting threads (even though I personally don't think much of acquiescing to requests for games from random people), so there should be absolutely no need to create new threads begging for games, and absolutely no excuse for writing to people via PM to circumvent a giveaway.

Also, what you said to lugum was simply inexcusable. Did you not think that he may simply enjoy hosting a giveaway in the interest of giving everyone a fair shot? There's no such thing as "just asking questions" - asking inappropriate questions can be just as impertinent as insulting people or harassing them.

You are not special, and you have no automatic entitlement to anything. There is no reason why anyone should treat you preferentially, especially now that it is known that you've been begging multiple individuals.
Post edited November 05, 2013 by jamyskis
BranjoHello: Is it a paradox when someone accuse someone else being shameless by being shameless themselves?
Because that is exactly what happened here.
Unfortunate combination of events lead to unjustified tarnishing my reputation on this forum (real rep, not this stupid number). I'm not going to play "my word against someone else's game", I'm going to give you EVIDENCE (attached at the bottom of this post)!
I asked three guys simple question enquiring them about two games that I knew they won in a giveaway and don't need them and I would like to play very much. And all of the sudden I'm shameless beggar?!?

I went to bed yesterday after answering lugum what you can see in EVIDENCE and today I woke up and was astonished by existence of this thread.
Elvin37, lugum and Mr. Vulcan, next time before you decide to light a bonfire for someone, please investigate the matter more thoroughly.
There are many people here that know I'm not that what these three called me, they know that even without my response here, so this post is intended for those that didn't know.

Still can't believe someone can so easily accuse me for something like this. I'm not some guy piling games for the sake of it, I only enter giveaways for games I want to play.
For the love of Azeroth, in the only giveaway I started I gifted a game I don't have and want to play, is that a behavior of a shameless beggar?!?
I'm not quitting this forum anytime soon, because of all good people I met here (and that number is much bigger than 3) but you're going to see a lot less activity from me in certain type of topics.
What is there to investigate about, you asked 3 people that we know about (which could be alot more) if they can give you a game.
Even persuading me to save me the trouble of creating a giveaway and just give you the game instead..
And you know well that Thespian always uses his games he won for giveaways (even sacrifice his own wants for it)
The op got uprepped for a reason, thus alot of people agreeing with Elvin, and i know he got several other pms of those who agreed with him.
By all means ask as many games as you want, but there are other channels for that then asking people in pm.

Also i quote you "There is no shame in being less fortunate than someone else. I'm just asking questions."
So when a person on the street is asking several people passing by for a dollar he is also not a beggar but just asking questions?
As i told you if you don't win many, participate more, try to give something back, make friends and people will enter for you in giveaways.
Post edited November 05, 2013 by lugum
[H] Popcorn

[W] Offers

First you shouldn't post screenshots like that, because as it is I don't even know if the people you are corresponding with are ok with that. Bad feedback.
Secondly the message you sent to Elvin has no 'please', no 'thanks', no 'hello' ... didn't care to read the rest. That's not a good way to make contact with people.
Thirdly, this thread was very civil from the start, and your post is very agressive in my opinion.

That's a bad way to make your case at the very least.
Post edited November 05, 2013 by Potzato
Yea, that reply didn't exactly help, but still I gotta give him props for replying.

It's weird seeing the greed these game sales/bundles can bring out in people. I work a minimum wage job and I have to spend the vast majority of my money into school so I could finish it. I only spend around $20 a month for myself, and I can still afford most of the games and bundles I want, including Undying which was what this user asked for. Not sure which is worse, him sending PMs asking for games, or when people were complaining about the bonus games for the Humble Origin Bundle.

The best part about the beggars I've seen in the past is that they only want AAA games here. I have seen very little to no giveaways of those kinds here. Also this site is goodOLDgames. Since you guys are so generous especially to strangers wanting AAA titles, I would love if one of you could mail me a PS4 when it comes out, or at least GTA V :P
Post edited November 05, 2013 by ArthurYanthar
Potzato: Branjo,

First you shouldn't post screenshots like that, because as it is I don't even know if the people you are corresponding with are ok with that. Bad feedback.
Secondly the message you sent to Elvin has no 'please', no 'thanks', no 'hello' ... didn't care to read the rest. That's not a good way to make contact with people.
Thirdly, this thread was very civil from the start, and your post is very agressive in my opinion.

That's a bad way to make your case at the very least.
Do you really think that what he replied with is worse than this thread is in the first place? Really? I don't like this message from you, but I am not going to ask you to stop. Instead, I am going to post a PUBLIC THREAD calling you out. Then, when you reply, I am going to get pissy.
I don't see anything wrong here. All PMs are just that, noone else has to see them. If you don't like said PM, then simply IGNORE IT! End of story. But no, lets bring all the bullies and haters out to the playground to beat up one kid, and get mad when he stands up for himself.
My apologies to Branjo. I am sorry you are going through this. My only advice is to maybe back off the PMs unless you know that person a bit better, then have at it. (And I thank you for the giveaway you held that I did win, as I am greatly enjoying the game.)
ArthurYanthar: Also this site is goodOLDgames.
Not anymore. Yes, there are TONs of amazing old games here, but it is not Good Old Games any longer.
Post edited November 05, 2013 by Zacron