Elvin37: I think its the easy way to get free games that attracts more and more of them which would be fine if they weren't just here for the free games
lukaszthegreat: im alright if they don't say thank you or stuff like that. and its okay if they are here for a free game. maybe they will stick around and become part of the community. there is easy issue to avoid them just by creating a giveaway with min rep and date of joining.
and breaking the code definitely stops bots as ive yet to experience someone grabbing it instantaneously after breaking the code
begging is unacceptable. and should be ignored or refused with simple no. I don't see that as a major problem. just ignore them...
heh. people ask me all the time for my TF2 stuff on steam (i don't play it myself)
they do get pissy when i refuse. bunch of kids....
Haha gotta love those steam kids I think most of the new users that just want games from other platforms like steam etc don't realize how good the old games really are I would hope they would stay and become part of the community but in the past few months it really doesn't seem like they do
RaggieRags: I can see why one would PM and ask for codes without feeling like there's anything bad about it, but I can also see that if hosting giveaways results in uncalled for personal requests from people you don't know, you can easily get the feeling you're just being taken advantage of. People do remember the bad experiences first, so even one beggar can leave a sour taste into your mouth even if the majority of members feel nothing but grateful for your generosity. This is a very sad thought. There are some awesome, kind members who keep on giving to strangers while asking for nothing in return,and they deserve better than this. It's also very sad to think the community would stop being so generous just because (most likely) a handful of people don't understand what they're doing.
I am glad to see that your hand is better now I hope you have a quick recovery from the meds!, but yes I agree to this too I made this thread only to help out and raise awareness and not to lynch anyone because I care for the community and so I stand up for it and try to help others avoid un necessary bad situations, that is the whole reason behind this thread I knew that by creating this thread I could have potentially made a bad name for myself but I don't mind taking a hit for the people I care about as something had to be done.