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No doubt there are fans of Telltale here, as I am, and for sure some of Borderlands too.

Well, Telltale is going to make a Borderlands adventure game.

good little dev gets in bed with the gaming equivalent of the mafia. Good luck telltale, here's hoping they don't screw you like they did the maker of Code Hunters, random artists, Sega and fans of the Aliens franchise.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Cormoran
MorphysLaw: No doubt there are fans of Telltale here, as I am, and for sure some of Borderlands too.

Well, Telltale is going to make a Borderlands adventure game.

Definitely keeping an eye on this one.
I fucking hate Gearbox Software. From what I heard their inept, downright stupid and probably even illegal handling of Aliens: Colonial Marines killed Timegate Studios that made my favourite game series.

They'll probably kill off Telltale too the bastards.
I wish this happened several years back. I feel like I'm over Borderlands now =/
Not happy about it. To be honest I dont care since Borderlands universe after playing 2.
just meh, too many adventures games now a days, cant finish em all, since backlog is getting bigger and bigger
Hmm.. I've read the same tune about them working on a Game of Thrones adventure take of their knowledge.

I can't say about GoT, not knowing it much if at all than it has a huge press success, about Borderlands, the first was God awful in terms of background, the second I don't know yet with my multiplayer friend rarely play anymore, but nothing stand out..

Except the dark humor and sexy Moxxi, I'm not waiting anything from this, even if I liked their Jurassic Park and The Walking Dead.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by koima57
I don't know, with all the recycled content, cheap production and overpriced releases Telltale seems like it will fit right in.
So telltale is working on the walking dead season 2, the wolf among us, borderlands and game of thrones; all at the same time? Sounds like they are either overextending (which would lead to a quality drop) or they can hardly be considered a small developer.
P1na: So telltale is working on the walking dead season 2, the wolf among us, borderlands and game of thrones; all at the same time? Sounds like they are either overextending (which would lead to a quality drop) or they can hardly be considered a small developer.
Damn you, just wanted to say that! WHY U STEAL WORDS FROM MY MOUTH!
grviper: I don't know, with all the recycled content, cheap production and overpriced releases Telltale seems like it will fit right in.
20 EUR is overpriced? O.o
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Fenixp
Borderlands story isn't exactly the strong point of the series to say the least but telltale did managed to take that p.o.s. knowed as the walking dead and make it at least mildly interesting so maybe not all is lost.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Mr.Caine
Borderlands is horrible, horrible cartoon-y art-style, horrible "memes" and obnoxious pop culture references, horrible voice-acting that sounds like something from a fan youtube videos, horrible fan-base of cancerous turds from Reddit and other shitholes of the internet.

Burn it all in holy hellfire.
Well I never was able to really get into either of the Borderlands titles, so maybe Telltale will create one that'll play the right notes. It's weird, they are great games & I love those themes & characters in a game but I never finished them.

I am worried with a Gearbox partnership, but I imagine Gearbox will not want to give any other devs and publishers a reason to doubt them. Even though I don't think it was ever proven that they misused funds with Aliens, that's still something that will hang over them until eveyone sees otherwise. Telltale could help them out here. I hope Telltale comes out of this with an awesome game.

Game of Thrones.... I really need to read the books & find some way to watch the shows already.

... & no Jurassic Park sequel yet. I hope they'll return to that series someday & show us the backstory of Site B.
I didnt know telltale was making this