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I can't see this working in any way at all, Borderlands charm is that it distracts you from the loot'n'shoot-fest with amusing characters once in a while, and if you don't think too hard about anything it accomplishes it quite well too. But squeezing an entire "adventure" (those dialogue-decision-making things should really be called somehting else) game out of parody characters doesn't sound very appealing.

I dunno, it's like trying to write a book adaption of a Schwarzenegger movie

And yes, Gearbox are pretty much the devil.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by WBGhiro
Crosmando: Borderlands is horrible, horrible cartoon-y art-style, horrible "memes" and obnoxious pop culture references, horrible voice-acting that sounds like something from a fan youtube videos, horrible fan-base of cancerous turds from Reddit and other shitholes of the internet.

Burn it all in holy hellfire.
Fuck yeah I'm getting this. Maybe I should finally play this Walking Dead thing now. It just sits on my backlog.
P1na: So telltale is working on the walking dead season 2, the wolf among us, borderlands and game of thrones; all at the same time? Sounds like they are either overextending (which would lead to a quality drop) or they can hardly be considered a small developer.
And you already have people rumbling about the delay of episode 2 of Wolf Among Us (2-3 months since 1 episode was released?... supposed to be a 1month release schedule)... where will they get the time to do all those projects?. chance their arm and outsource like Gearbox did with ACM???
WTF is the first phrase that comes to my mind---but it could definitivly be cool!
RadonGOG: WTF is the first phrase that comes to my mind---but it could definitivly be cool!
The story that makes BL and BL2 isnt much to play with for starters.....
nijuu: And you already have people rumbling about the delay of episode 2 of Wolf Among Us (2-3 months since 1 episode was released?... supposed to be a 1month release schedule)... where will they get the time to do all those projects?. chance their arm and outsource like Gearbox did with ACM???
Well it's not as easy as 'You're not making it on schedule? We'll give you more people!' First of all, getting new developers into a project that's already ongoing is not an easy task and those people will slow the rest of the team down for a considerable amout of time before they get 'into' the project. And then there's the entire deal with development efficiency actually dropping with more people being involved in it, so The Wolf Among Us might as well be at the ideal amount of devs, but it might have hit a big problem that needs resolving. I know, there's a lot of 'mights', but Telltale probably knows better what they're doing than... Well, you.
nijuu: And you already have people rumbling about the delay of episode 2 of Wolf Among Us (2-3 months since 1 episode was released?... supposed to be a 1month release schedule)... where will they get the time to do all those projects?. chance their arm and outsource like Gearbox did with ACM???
Fenixp: Well it's not as easy as 'You're not making it on schedule? We'll give you more people!' First of all, getting new developers into a project that's already ongoing is not an easy task and those people will slow the rest of the team down for a considerable amout of time before they get 'into' the project. And then there's the entire deal with development efficiency actually dropping with more people being involved in it, so The Wolf Among Us might as well be at the ideal amount of devs, but it might have hit a big problem that needs resolving. I know, there's a lot of 'mights', but Telltale probably knows better what they're doing than... Well, you.
thing is, if there is a delay, least they can do is tell customers, i mean in Wolf Among Us case, people have paid up front for an episodic game, 2-3 month delay might as well a year and its unfair for the customers when precendence had already been set for x amount of time for x game episodes based in the past. At least comment if there will be a delay instead of just thinking ' yeah this will take use 6 months to year and lets not tell the paying customers".
nijuu: thing is, if there is a delay, least they can do is tell customers, i mean in Wolf Among Us case, people have paid up front for an episodic game, 2-3 month delay might as well a year and its unfair for the customers when precendence had already been set for x amount of time for x game episodes based in the past. At least comment if there will be a delay instead of just thinking ' yeah this will take use 6 months to year and lets not tell the paying customers".
Yeah, because all the problems that can arise during development you can plan in advance :-P I don't know, I can't find any mention of a delay and Telltale promised the second episode late november to about half december, so I assume they're going to stick with that. You're calling them on not telling customers about delays, but... They actually did in case of the first episode. I also have to remind you that a game-crippling problem may arise right before release, without them being able to predict that happening. As far as I'm concerned, I want a functional product later, not a broken product on release date.

You seem to be generally angry about anything that doesn't suit you, coming to premature conclusions more often than not - but devs are people too, you know. They're not perfect. Just as the product they're creating isn't. Delays will come, and nobody will be able to predict them reliably. That's how development works - you can either come to terms with it or you can pointlessly whine about it. You know, your choice.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Fenixp
What's with all the hatin' in this thread? Personally, I was sold as soon as I read "Telltale". I'd probably prefer if they picked a different franchise/ setting, but eh... could be good.

Edit: By the way, I think they're not so much interested in the storyline of the BL games, but rather the setting ( which is pretty cool ).

Oh, and I just realized, "The Walking Dead" has a very similar visual style so maybe they plan to use the same engine for their BL adventure.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by CharlesGrey
CharlesGrey: What's with all the hatin' in this thread? Personally, I was sold as soon as I read "Telltale". I'd probably prefer if they picked a different franchise/ setting, but eh... could be good.
Telltale became popular - naturally, people need to start hating them :-P
P1na: So telltale is working on the walking dead season 2, the wolf among us, borderlands and game of thrones; all at the same time? Sounds like they are either overextending (which would lead to a quality drop) or they can hardly be considered a small developer.
Not really. Presumably they all use the same game engine. For season 2+ they can reuse (and touch up) art assets used in previous seasons. They may well be able to Knick writers from walking dead, borderlands, etc.

So they can keep the actual work the do to a minimum while churning out release after release.

EDIT: Here you go, The Telltale_Tool: the game engine that powers all their games.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by ChrisSD
CharlesGrey: Personally, I was sold as soon as I read "Telltale".
A developer very rarely sells a game to me, and Telltale is no exception.

Okay, I don't hate them, but I've only played The Walking Dead and didn't like near as much as the rest of the people did. Borderlands I find tolerable and occasionally even kind of good, but please excuse me if it doesn't quite make me burst my pants with excitement either.

And yes, I, too was concerned about Telltale spreading themselves thin when I saw that they'd taken on yet another project.
CharlesGrey: What's with all the hatin' in this thread? Personally, I was sold as soon as I read "Telltale". I'd probably prefer if they picked a different franchise/ setting, but eh... could be good.
Fenixp: Telltale became popular - naturally, people need to start hating them :-P
Eh, their games are excellent ( to me ) -- I don't really give half a fuck about anything else.

And for something completely different: Do I see Shodan with a monocle? That is... too much. The universe shall now commence to implode. Good night folks.
By "Telltale's typical gameplay" I assume they mean a Walking Deadalike rather than the large number of actual adventure games they made before that.