nijuu: thing is, if there is a delay, least they can do is tell customers, i mean in Wolf Among Us case, people have paid up front for an episodic game, 2-3 month delay might as well a year and its unfair for the customers when precendence had already been set for x amount of time for x game episodes based in the past. At least comment if there will be a delay instead of just thinking ' yeah this will take use 6 months to year and lets not tell the paying customers".
Yeah, because all the problems that can arise during development you can plan in advance :-P I don't know, I can't find any mention of a delay and Telltale promised the second episode late november to about half december, so I assume they're going to stick with that. You're calling them on not telling customers about delays, but... They actually did in case of the first episode. I also have to remind you that a game-crippling problem may arise right before release, without them being able to predict that happening. As far as I'm concerned, I want a functional product later, not a broken product on release date.
You seem to be generally angry about anything that doesn't suit you, coming to premature conclusions more often than not - but devs are people too, you know. They're not perfect. Just as the product they're creating isn't. Delays will come, and nobody will be able to predict them reliably. That's how development works - you can either come to terms with it or you can pointlessly whine about it. You know, your choice.