nijuu: I havent bought the game. But i have read a lot of comments.Their release schedules are generally every month for their games, but for some reason the 2nd Ep of Wolf Among Us has been delayed a lot longer and people are anxious and have said as much on various threads. Yeah devs are people, but customers are their lifeblood. Least they could do if there is rising discontent is to at least make some form of statement before people start to assume devs are deliberating delaying rather than problems. See it from a customers perspective.
Just to prevent confusion: I have fixed the release 'announcement' in my post as I've had english months mixed up. Silly me.
Right, now, I do see it from customers perspective as I, as opposed to you, have actually bought the season pass for full price when it comes to The Wolf Among Us :-P
So, first of all: Their release schedule for The Walking Dead was about 2 months per episode, not 1 - and that is the only game similar to TWAU that they have ever released (not counting Jurassic Park, which was actually released in its entirety at once, despite having episodic structure).
Second, you can't be late with your release when you have never actually officially announced a release date in the first place. Just go ahead and show me where did Telltale give an official date - all I have ever found was an unofficial post from their moderator or something like that who said he's hoping it'll get released between the dates I have told you about. So how are they late without a release date? I suppose they know far too well why they're not giving out any :-p