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nijuu: I like the art style too to be frank. Ah.More ex Bioware developers (geee does it really guarantee its going to be good tho???)
Whenever I see something saying "made by ex 'insert-company-name-here' developers/employers/etc", the first thing that springs to my mind is "why did they get fired?"
nijuu: I like the art style too to be frank. Ah.More ex Bioware developers (geee does it really guarantee its going to be good tho???)
amok: Whenever I see something saying "made by ex 'insert-company-name-here' developers/employers/etc", the first thing that springs to my mind is "why did they get fired?"
More like "Why did they choose to leave the company?".

That's become a prevailent theme with Ex-Bioware employees lately.
As far as I can tell, the Stoic Studio guys were in Bioware mostly for the Knights of the Old Republic games.
nijuu: I like the art style too to be frank. Ah.More ex Bioware developers (geee does it really guarantee its going to be good tho???)
amok: Whenever I see something saying "made by ex 'insert-company-name-here' developers/employers/etc", the first thing that springs to my mind is "why did they get fired?"
Who said they got fired?
I've seen videos of ex-Bioware (and other companies) devs saying they left because they preferred the golden-age-era-Bioware, the company that made Balders Gate etc, because that company was smaller, everybody knew each other and knew what they were working on and how far they were on it.
The current company is largely a bunch of strangers. Its like being at school, where you will know people in your class, then a lot of people in your year, then a few other folk but most people there are strangers.
amok: Whenever I see something saying "made by ex 'insert-company-name-here' developers/employers/etc", the first thing that springs to my mind is "why did they get fired?"
Lenriak: Who said they got fired?
I've seen videos of ex-Bioware (and other companies) devs saying they left because they preferred the golden-age-era-Bioware, the company that made Balders Gate etc, because that company was smaller, everybody knew each other and knew what they were working on and how far they were on it.
The current company is largely a bunch of strangers. Its like being at school, where you will know people in your class, then a lot of people in your year, then a few other folk but most people there are strangers.
Nobody said they got fired - I said it is the first thing that pops into my mind when I see that sentence. I know how the game industry works - still I do not trust people. I believe the worst of people until it is proven otherwise.

edit: a K escaped.
Post edited March 19, 2012 by amok
My state of mind:


It's pretty! Shiny! Do want!

Can afford?

Hmmm... *checks*

YES! Pledged!
the only thing that gives me pause is this:

"The gods may be dead but they're not forgotten. BECOME A VIKING GOD in the actual game. We'll create a unique deity with your likeness and work with you on a great name and backstory for him or her" - this tier have already got 9 backers.

It is fine if it was a made up religion, but there is already a pantheon of norse (viking) gods. I don't know.... I don't want to nitpick but to me it is like "Give us enough money and we will rewrite history to suite you". Personally I do not want to see Tor and Ty riding to battle with Bill, while Brage and Idun drinks mjød with Angelina...

(and yes, I do know it says they will come up with a "a great name and backstory")
The devs have talked a little more about the gameplay over on Somethingawful, and it sounds really awesome. The caravan travelling shots in the trailer are intended to be gameplay in the style of King of Dragon Pass/Oregon Trail between the battles.
These are the kind of projects I like. Work has already been put in so that there is something to show off to get a feeling of what the final product will be like. Also, all of the rewards have something to show too. It makes it easier to pledge for a project that doesn't have the well-established reputation.

Some might think I'm cracy, but I'm seriously considering the framed landscape art tier at $600. I'm considering the landscape art to be at $350 since the other $250 will cover all previous tiers (some of which I don't really care if I get or not, but meh). Is there anyone here with art knowledge that thinks this would be a decent investment for what art like this might usually sell at? If I had it for a year to enjoy and was only able to resell it at slightly less of purchase price or maybe break even, I'd be fine with that. If I do purchase it and love it and want to keep it, then it's still a mutually beneficial transaction anyway.
DRM-Free super-sexy animated turn-based tactical rpg? Hell yeah I'm gonna donate for that. Been wanting a game like this for a while now.
amok: It is fine if it was a made up religion, but there is already a pantheon of norse (viking) gods. I don't know.... I don't want to nitpick but to me it is like "Give us enough money and we will rewrite history to suite you". Personally I do not want to see Tor and Ty riding to battle with Bill, while Brage and Idun drinks mjød with Angelina...
Their Kickstarter page says that while it's inspired by Norse culture, it doesn't actually use the Norse religion. So they're not going to be messing that part up apparently.

And I'd imagine the developers would maintain editorial control over the god they'd make in your likeness. For the family crest you can design for $50 they explicitly disallow assault rifles and trollfaces in their FAQ.

Edit: Well, I just pledged $25. Don't fail me now, Stoic.
Post edited March 20, 2012 by Aaron86
It looks like the actual battles are done on a tile "chessboard", which is very good for TBS.
Just added a pledge to the Banner Saga. Turn-based strategy is one of my favorite genres. We don't get enough TBS games anymore, so I'm happy to support them. Plus, I really like the art style, too.
amok: Whenever I see something saying "made by ex 'insert-company-name-here' developers/employers/etc", the first thing that springs to my mind is "why did they get fired?"
Lenriak: Who said they got fired?
I've seen videos of ex-Bioware (and other companies) devs saying they left because they preferred the golden-age-era-Bioware, the company that made Balders Gate etc, because that company was smaller, everybody knew each other and knew what they were working on and how far they were on it.
The current company is largely a bunch of strangers. Its like being at school, where you will know people in your class, then a lot of people in your year, then a few other folk but most people there are strangers.
At the rate the current/recent Bioware games are going, im starting to think more your way. Mind you when they say 'ex Bioware' you wonder whether its just one person or a few? (and whether they were any good in the first place) LOL

And yes. I just pledged last night :) (i never thought i was big into turn based stuff but more games i try the more i dig it!!)
Post edited March 21, 2012 by nijuu
I really liked the look of it.... for a cartoon and if it were a cartoon I'd probably watch it, but I wouldn't want to play a game that looked like that.. the battles looked (imo) really crappy.

It seems to scream browser flash game, not that that's necessarily bad, it just looks cheap.
amok: the only thing that gives me pause is this:

"The gods may be dead but they're not forgotten. BECOME A VIKING GOD in the actual game. We'll create a unique deity with your likeness and work with you on a great name and backstory for him or her" - this tier have already got 9 backers.

It is fine if it was a made up religion, but there is already a pantheon of norse (viking) gods. I don't know.... I don't want to nitpick but to me it is like "Give us enough money and we will rewrite history to suite you". Personally I do not want to see Tor and Ty riding to battle with Bill, while Brage and Idun drinks mjød with Angelina...

(and yes, I do know it says they will come up with a "a great name and backstory")
9 backers for this tier already?

Considering that the gods in this are supposed to be dead, that means the game is going to be psuedo-viking with all of these people playing the gods... I don't think I want to play some vanity game for people with too much money, either.
Post edited March 21, 2012 by Tormentfan