Gonchi: Congrats to them for hitting all their goals. The game interested me, but I was put off by the "Chapter 1 of 3" thing, and I wasn't willing to go as high as $50 for the complete game.
orcishgamer: Me neither, mostly because I've funded enough of these now that I'll be waiting to see if my "bigger" backing investments pan out before I keep throwing huge wads of cash at these things. Still, this one looks gorgeous and the gameplay seems fun, so I'm glad to have backed them.
Yeah, that's a good point. I have too much money tied up with other projects as well, and there's another slew of them already lined up for next month that I'll probably also want to back.
Will definitely give this game a look once they release it for sale, but at this time I think I ought to stop spending money I don't really have.
Gonchi: Congrats to them for hitting all their goals. The game interested me, but I was put off by the "Chapter 1 of 3" thing, and I wasn't willing to go as high as $50 for the complete game.
TheWhiteRose: Chapter 1 is a complete game. 2 and 3 will also be complete games.
I've played enough complete games that were intended to be parts of trilogies or series to disagree with that stance.