DubConqueror: I noticed today the Gamersgate summer sale has already started today. And astronomicaly speaking, it's not even summer yet The weather in Holland though... Sitting at night with all doors open to let some night cooling into my house.
TCMU2009: Holland's weather sounds a lot like Kentucky. I'm guessing it's a really humid, sticky heat?
Too often it is, but the last few days we've been lucky, especially on tuesday: a dry heat with lots of wind. So riding on a bike outside is quite enjoyable, but the heat does tend to crawl into the house. I should buy a fan before july starts, with it's fair chance of heatwaves.
Just bought my first Summer Sale impulse buy on Gamersgate: The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing.
TinyE is to blame, who was the one to inform me some time ago Van Helsing is a Dutchman and only now I did find out - there's a game about him, - it's a nice Action RPG, - it's cheaper than it ever has been up until now according to [url=http://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/price?plain=incredibleadventuresofvanhelsingcompletepack]IsThereAnyDeal[/url].
My guts running counter to my brain again: always when I buy a game that's cheap, prices will drop even lower in later sales and they will be cheaper than I bought them, long before I get around to playing them (sometime in a proverbial retirement home - where it not for retirement homes being non-extinct because of health care budget cuts).
tl;dr: I'll slay Dracula Mwuahahaha!