Ivory&Gold: Fenixp, I think these statements are almost polar opposites. I mean, let's be honest here. You (and Leroux) have during the whole thread tried to trip me over percieved logical fallacies, because I've in the past made dismissive (maybe arrogant?) comments about video games. That is perfectly fine. I made these comments precisely to elicit responses and discussion. (I also do stand by them, they weren't just intellectual shenanigans).
First of all: No. The only thing I remember you saying is that videogames aren't art, and what I have actually carried over from those discussions is that I actually don't quite give a shit about what are they called. I don't even know if I got to that end all by myself or if you have helped me, but I do hold this particular outlook thanks to you and I'm actually glad I do, so for all that's worth, I see you in positive light.
The shooting bit did feel a bit like you just attacking videogames for no apparent reason, but that was just me misunderstanding you as it turned out later on when you said that "The implication was (and is) that video games and shooting work better together than video games and sex." and I have dropped that discussion altogether at that point and brought back the original subject.
It's extremely rare that I actually associate people with previous discussions and change my reactions in any way due to this - not because I'm more than human or whatever, quite simply because my memory is rubbish and I have better things to remember than who did I talk with about what - you either have to be extremely obnoxious (hello, jamitode!) or actually give me a new outlook on an issue that I remember often enough, and you did that at one point, so kudos to you.
Ivory&Gold: But it seems to me now that you're just looking to disagree with me, even if it means contradicting yourself. And where's the point in that?
... and here it's you misunderstanding me. Read my original statement very carefully and tell me where lies the contradiction. In one I'm saying that I've never seen videogames to do sex properly, in the other I'm saying that I believe videogames have potential to manage it, but it would be extremely difficult to pull off.
For the record, I don't believe videogames actually pulled off conversations properly yet, instead replacing them with branching trees of interactive stories - which is fine and I'd like to see the same applied to sex, but it's not even an approximation of how a conversation works, or how sex would work.
Ivory&Gold: Maybe I'm wrong. If it really interests you, here's, in as few words as possible, my opinion on the current topic: I think video games are very poorly suited for dealing with sex. I think they're much better at other things, like shooting or tactical stuff. I did not choose the shooting example in order to paint gaming in a bad light. I did it because itchy01ca01 brought it up.
And that's exactly what I'm getting at, videogames in their current form are best for that. I feel it's all based in the evolution of videogames - without the ability to store almost limitless amounts of information, non-videogames were usually based around tactics, precision or physical activity. Reproducing physical activity in videogame form is quite pointless as it sort of defeats the excercise (but they tried anyway!), but tactics and precision did get meaningful conversions extremely quickly - and from there, videogame perripherals and control methods started evolving, just as midsets surrounding them.
We are now living in a time where videogames are just starting to realize their potential, and technical evolution will follow closely with this realization - we already have things like oculus rift and full body tracking. If AI gets pushed further as well, we might actually see interesting experiments and advances in how videogames allow us to express ourselves in them, and ... Well, nobody knows what that will lead to.