Leroux: Correct me if I misread you, Fenixp, but if that's what you're saying, I very much agree with it.
Well what I'm saying is that sex scenes should be interactive in some manner, but yes, the bit that FraterPerdurabo quoted was indeed meant that way, more or less.
Not only that tho, games have enough space to not only build up a romantic relationship, but also continue or end it at any point during the process - 'romance' introduced by Mass Effect is basically seduction trough a couple of dialogues ended by sex. Well done Bioware, that's some great interaction right there!
I do understand that what I'm talking about would need to have a lot of influence on how some characters react to you tho, so it wouldn't exactly be easy to do and when I'm to pick if I want well-created romance or EVERYTHING ELSE about the game, I'm obviously going to go for the latter as if I wanted to play some of those 'romance interactive novels' I'd just go and do that.
I just wish sex and romance would be integrated into videogame stories just as everything else is slowly beginning to be is all.